


Reccomended environment for Redmine

Added by Rob Reh over 3 years ago

I have an old Redmine 3.4 installation which I can not upgrade to 4.x. Probably some wired (miss-)configurations from the previous admin or some contradicting default package versions in Ubuntu. Anyway, I want to do a fresh installation on a different VM and migrate the data. The VM would only host Redmine. The DB should be Postgres. Apart from that, I have no restrictions. What would be the reccomended environment?
(I have some experience with different Linux distributions and Postgres, but I know close to nothing about Ruby and Rails.)

- Install Linux and then install Redmine+requirements from the package manager?
- Install Linux and requirements from the package manger and then install Redmine from the download page?
- Are there any linux distributions which are known to be better suited? My default go-to distribution would be the latest Ubuntu LTS.

Replies (1)

RE: Reccomended environment for Redmine - Added by Lorenzo Meneghetti over 3 years ago

Rob Reh wrote:

- Are there any linux distributions which are known to be better suited? My default go-to distribution would be the latest Ubuntu LTS.

Hi, for me Debian or Ubuntu are the choice. I usually install any piece by hand.
