Unable to get spent_hours through issues.xml (Redmine rest Api)
Added by Vaibhav Sharma over 3 years ago
Hi All,
I am unable to get the spent_hours through issues.xml(http://ramsytesting.m.redmine.org/issues.xml) but its coming when I search individual issue(http://ramsytesting.m.redmine.org/issues/1.xml).
Can anyone suggest a way to get spent_hours through issues.xml.
Vaibhav Sharma
Replies (2)
RE: Unable to get spent_hours through issues.xml (Redmine rest Api)
Added by Mischa The Evil over 3 years ago
RE: Unable to get spent_hours through issues.xml (Redmine rest Api)
Added by Elon Grubman over 2 years ago
Hi Vaibhav,
Did you managed to configure the Issue field using the Python REST API ?
I can't change the 'Tracker' name and id to be BUG_SW instead of FEATURE, I can't return the new issue id, I can't enter text into the TAG text-box, when I upload an attached files to the
issue their names are changing to unrecognized name..