


Translate "Description Placeholder"

Added by Andre Bachtold about 3 years ago

I have the portuguese translation of the Redmine. But one thing that I don't find where to translate is the placeholder of "Description". That appears on tasks/projects and anywhere that have a "Description" Field.
It's not on the translation file. Or in the DB, from what I looked.

So where can I change that to translate?

122.png (5.23 KB) 122.png

Replies (2)

RE: Translate "Description Placeholder" - Added by Go MAEDA about 3 years ago

Plain Redmine does not display the "Leave a comment" message.

Do you use a third-party theme? The theme may add the message using JavaScript.

RE: Translate "Description Placeholder" - Added by Andre Bachtold about 3 years ago


As I was thinking that it was of the Redmine I didn't look through themes or plugins.

It was the plugin ZenEdit.

Again thank you.
