! Unable to load application: RuntimeError: A formatter class is required
Added by Ivan Cenov over 1 year ago
I have problem with starting Redmine 5.0.5 on ruby 3.1.3p185 (2022-11-24 revision 1a6b16756e) [x64-mingw-ucrt], Windows 10. This happened after executing 'gem update'. This problem is related somehow with redcarpet gem, don't know how.
Here is the essential part of the log:
E:\data\redmine>bundle exec puma -e production -p 3002 fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git *** SIGUSR2 not implemented, signal based restart unavailable! *** SIGUSR1 not implemented, signal based restart unavailable! *** SIGHUP not implemented, signal based logs reopening unavailable! Puma starting in single mode... * Puma version: 6.2.2 (ruby 3.1.3-p185) ("Speaking of Now") * Min threads: 0 * Max threads: 5 * Environment: production * PID: 8416 Polyglot: found more than one candidate for redcarpet.so: C:/Ruby31-x64/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/redcarpet-3.5.1/lib/redcarpet.so, C:/Ruby31-x64/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/redcarpet-3.5.1/lib/redcarpet.so Polyglot: found more than one candidate for redcarpet: C:/Ruby31-x64/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/redcarpet-3.5.1/lib/redcarpet, C:/Ruby31-x64/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/redcarpet-3.5.1/lib/redcarpet ! Unable to load application: RuntimeError: A formatter class is required E:/data/redmine/lib/redmine/wiki_formatting.rb:45:in `register': A formatter class is required (RuntimeError) from E:/data/redmine/lib/redmine/preparation.rb:399:in `block in prepare' from E:/data/redmine/lib/redmine/wiki_formatting.rb:31:in `map' from E:/data/redmine/lib/redmine/preparation.rb:395:in `prepare' from E:/data/redmine/config/initializers/30-redmine.rb:11:in `block in <top (required)>' from C:/Ruby31-x64/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/activesupport- `instance_exec'
I added RedCloth gem, because it is mentioned in #36892, but it did not help.
Someone to have experience with this problem?
Replies (1)
RE: ! Unable to load application: RuntimeError: A formatter class is required - Added by Ivan Cenov over 1 year ago
I uninstalled all versions of redcarpet, then installed it again via bundle install and the problem disappeared.