


ECONNREFUSED From Attempted Web Page Fetch Using C++ Socket Connect

Added by The Pen over 1 year ago

We're running lighttpd 1.4.63 at the moment. Web server is running and serving both web pages and outputs from cgi scripts, using FreeBSD 13.0-RELEASE as the operating system.

However, when we try to connect by socket to port 80 of the server using a connect() function in a C++ program from a remote address it fails and last error is ECONNREFUSED at the C++ end. That is, we are trying to use a C++ program to fetch a web page from the lighttpd server.

Same program works just fine to fetch a page from any other server, but not with our lighttpd. This eliminates any possible firewall issue from the calling machine, and we certainly have not set up one on the lighttpd server. And again, the same machine with the C++ program can access web pages on the lighttpd server by regular web browwer.

Worse yet, the failed connect() leaves no trace in any log, error or otherwise, on the lighttpd server, even though we jacked the log reporting level up to 9 (Debug).

We'd really like to get this working, so we appreciate your kind attention.



Replies (1)

RE: ECONNREFUSED From Attempted Web Page Fetch Using C++ Socket Connect - Added by Holger Just over 1 year ago

You posted this on, which is the home of the Redmine project, i.e. the issue tracker software used by the lighttpd project. As such. you likely want to ask your question on their tracker instead, e.g. at
