


Issues to Email

Added by Marcel Appel 7 months ago

Hi everyone,

i am searching for a plugin/ tool to export issues to an outlook email. We use Redmine partly as a
complaint tool and therefore a tool to transfer the issues into an email with attachment would be quite good.

I have found a few plugins but they are all not compatible with Redmine 5.0.

Maybe someone can help me.

Regards Marcel

Replies (2)

RE: Issues to Email - Added by Lisa Brown 7 months ago

Hi Marcel,

You can explore Redmineflux to export issues to an outlook email they have developed many Redmine plugins to enhance Redmine's core capabilities.
You can find these plugins at or

RE: Issues to Email - Added by Mohamed El Habchi 5 months ago

I have the same implemented
Im using a custom query with redmine API url,
First I create a cron job to export the data .csv

curl -k "" > export.csv

after the file exported to the desired directory, I use PHPmailer/ mailx to send the file as attachement
and so far works great for me
