


Not all filters work in spent time

Added by Sergei Naumov 8 months ago

I am trying to make a report 'Time log' with a filer set to a certain author. I found that choosing either Author or User or a few other fields ca not be set in a filter. It just does not make the filter active (does not add a check-box) and does not allow to choose a filter value.

I tried this with both 5.0.7 and 5.1.2 with different visual themes. No matter, this whole functionality seems to be broken. Didn't anyone noticed this, for it seems to ba long standing bug?


Replies (2)

RE: Not all filters work in spent time - Added by Holger Just 8 months ago

The feature works with an unchanged Redmine (i.e. without plugins or custom themes). If this does not work for you, you may want to try

  • reverting to the default Redmine theme
  • Removing any plugins you may have installed

If that didn't work, you may want to check your Redmine installation for incosnsistencies. A common cause of issues such as this is that during an update of your Redmine, you may have overwritten some Javascript assets of the new Redmine version with files from a different Redmine version. Please make sure that the entire contents of the public directory in your Redmine installation contains only files from your current Remdine installation. The directory must not be shared with different Redmine versions and must not be preserved / copied when upgrading

RE: Not all filters work in spent time - Added by Sergei Naumov 8 months ago

Yeah, it seems to be a problem. Removed all the plugins, dropped a container and installed them again. It seems that redmine-agile from RedmineUP breaks this. I am going to write them...
