


Visibility of a certain issue status to a role

Added by Sergei Naumov 8 months ago

We need to limit a visibility of issues that have certain statuses to a role. For example, issues in backlog should net be seen to everyone in a project except project managers. Is there a mechanism to achive this?

Replies (3)

RE: Visibility of a certain issue status to a role - Added by David from 8 months ago

You can set such permissions based on the tracker.

-- David

RE: Visibility of a certain issue status to a role - Added by Sergei Naumov 8 months ago

Yeah... It works this way, but not a status of the same tracker it seems.

RE: Visibility of a certain issue status to a role - Added by Holger Just 8 months ago

Issue visibility can currently not be set based in the issue status. You can set it based on the tracker and possibly based on the author/assignee of the issue.

As a workaround though, you might be able to just create a new sub-project which is only visible to your project managers and move the backlog issues there.
