


Visibility of a certain issue status to a role

Added by Sergei Naumov 28 days ago

We need to limit a visibility of issues that have certain statuses to a role. For example, issues in backlog should net be seen to everyone in a project except project managers. Is there a mechanism to achive this?

Replies (3)

RE: Visibility of a certain issue status to a role - Added by David redminePRO 28 days ago

You can set such permissions based on the tracker.

-- David

RE: Visibility of a certain issue status to a role - Added by Sergei Naumov 27 days ago

Yeah... It works this way, but not a status of the same tracker it seems.

RE: Visibility of a certain issue status to a role - Added by Holger Just 27 days ago

Issue visibility can currently not be set based in the issue status. You can set it based on the tracker and possibly based on the author/assignee of the issue.

As a workaround though, you might be able to just create a new sub-project which is only visible to your project managers and move the backlog issues there.
