


Security (login) issue in WinXP OS

Added by Vadim Ivanov about 15 years ago

Our company supposes to use Redmine as internal issue tracking system. We have impressed by wide possibilities and simple interface but we confront with critical security issue.
We have several offices and independent local networks. In some networks we have problem with login: latest user session rewrites previous session.
As succeeded to understand this effect depending from setting “protocol inspection” in Kerio (software router). If this setting turn off that’s all right and vice versa.
Could anyone suggest us another solution? We could not depend from Kerio’s settings :-(

Replies (1)

RE: Security (login) issue in WinXP OS - Added by Dmitry Salashnik over 13 years ago

Hello, Vadim!
Do You solve this problem?
We have it too :(
