


Accessing Redmine without webbrowser interface

Added by gabriel scolan about 15 years ago

Dear all,

we'd like to connect Redmine to other applications like DOORS (requirement management tool used in our company). This integration would require to request from DOORS the list of issues affected to a specific person (or a group), associated to a specific 'Target version', ...

Is there a mean to get to the Redmine database via command line, using the right management of the application and the powerful way to get SQL request executed ?

Example of what I would expect: in a shell:

rmcmd -d "URLdatabase" -r "sql request, expressed with RoR syntax" -o "output format, like csv or xml" 

expected result:
output file containing all the information request in the "request" in the output format specified in "-o". This file is then parsable by any other tools.

How is this possible ?

many thanks for help


Replies (4)

RE: Accessing Redmine without webbrowser interface - Added by gabriel scolan about 15 years ago

just few precisions :
  • the access would be by a remote client (not on the server itself)
  • the options '-u' (for user id) and '-p' (for password) would be also required


RE: Accessing Redmine without webbrowser interface - Added by Eric Ryan almost 15 years ago


Were you able to make any progress with your effort to tie DOORS in with redmine?

We are looking to reference specific requirements from DOORS in our tickets to provide full traceability from scm checkins to requirements. Not sure if this aligns with the solution you've achieved, but any input would be appreciated.


RE: Accessing Redmine without webbrowser interface - Added by gabriel scolan almost 15 years ago

Hi Eric,

I didn't make any progress on this issue, since this task belong to "exploration" and as such has a very low level priority. One idea though is to create a table in Redmine db to mirror the "Requirements" item from DOORS and create also a table in Redmine db to enable to link to "Requirements" to the "Issues" (many-to-many); on DOORS side, a module would mirror the Issues and the link table "Requirements" to "Issues". I don't really like this since there is some need for synchro between db, but conceptually it should work.

The only question is then "how to synchronize those db ?", meaning "how can DOORS retrieve / send data from / to Redmine db ?" or the opposite one - how can Redmine retrieve ... from DOORS db ?

NB : any elements in DOORS (since v8 I think) as its own URL (since the object properties with a right click). This might be useful to make a soft-link from Issues to req and may be is enough for your need. (the solution described above would help answering the question : which are the issues impacting a specific Req)

hope this helps

RE: Accessing Redmine without webbrowser interface - Added by nicolau braga santos nicolau over 12 years ago

Hi guys,
Were you able to make any progress with your effort to tie DOORS (or other requirement management tool) in with redmine?

