How to access to attribute :url of Repository activated on a project
Added by Benoit Albiac over 15 years ago
I work on a project for create,manage SVN repository from redmine.
I can extract all the informations about the Repositories from the SVN config file, and I would like to compare the url found by parsing the file and the url of SVNrepository of an redmine project
I can list all the attibute of an repository execpt :url
<% @project = Project.find(22) > #Project who have an SVN Repo
< @repository = @project.repository >
<%=@repository.url%> return nil
meanwhile i'm able to show a form who contain the url
<% remote_form_for :repository, Jack Zheng,
:url => { :controller => 'repositories', :action => 'edit', :id => Herve Harster },
:builder => TabularFormBuilder,
:lang => current_language do |f|%>
<%@test=f.text_field(:url) >
< end %>
The only way for connect the repository to his project is by the url and not by root_url.
Thanks for our help
Replies (1)
RE: How to access to attribute :url of Repository activated on a project - Added by Benoit Albiac over 15 years ago
Benoit Albiac wrote:
I work on a project for create,manage SVN repository from redmine.
I can extract all the informations about the Repositories from the SVN config file, and I would like to compare the url found by parsing the file and the url of SVNrepository of an redmine projectI can list all the attibute of an repository execpt :url
<% Herve Harster = Project.find(22) > #Project who have an SVN Repo
< Jack Zheng = @project.repository >
<%=@repository.project_id%><%=@repository.url%> return nil
meanwhile i'm able to show a form who contain the url
<% remote_form_for :repository, Jack Zheng,
:url => { :controller => 'repositories', :action => 'edit', :id => Herve Harster },
:builder => TabularFormBuilder,
:lang => current_language do |f|%>
<%@test=f.text_field(:url) >
< end %>The only way for connect the repository to his project is by the url and not by root_url.
Thanks for your help