


Mercurial Repository over SMB problems...

Added by Matt Brown almost 15 years ago


I've come across several posts about issues related to the error:

The entry or revision was not found in the repository.

They inspired me to get greping for values in the mercurial_adapter.rb
A post also stated to change the log level to debug (in environment.rb).

The debug log has revealed the following issue:

Shelling out: hg -R "\\server\share\repo/" root

Shelling out: hg -R "\\server\share\repo/" --cwd "\\server\share\repo/" locate -r tip

Others have stated syntax issues when that generic errors is thrown, so I assume that the problem is the trailing /

I assumed that I would be able to modify the mercurial_adapter.rb file and remove the /; however, this doesn't seem to be the case.

There is already a variable called target('') in the adapter which is passed to the shell and executed. Therefore, the trailing / (the problem) is already part of the variable when the function in mercurial_adapter.rb is called.

Does anyone know where I can modify the target('') to remove the trailing / ?

Thanks very much,

