


Gantt and linked Issues

Added by Vincent Noel about 15 years ago

Hi, i'd like to know if it's normal that when i link an issue to another with the "blocks" type my gantt don't show any dependencies.
To my mind, this should put the start of the Issue right after the one it is blocked by.

If i'm wrong, how can i put dependencies so that a big planning can easily manage adjustments in the beginning/ending date? How can i say an Issue start at the end of another, with a duration of x? And if it's not possible, it's probably something to think of, because big planning can be managed without this option...

Replies (2)

RE: Gantt and linked Issues - Added by Vincent Noel about 15 years ago

Oh i just foun the "precede" Type of link, sorry for the hastefull question ^^

RE: Gantt and linked Issues - Added by Vincent Noel about 15 years ago

But, modifying the ending date of the previous Issue don't modify the starting date of the next Issue...that's a bit strange (since the link does not mean anything after that)
