Deleting role - how to check who's using a role?
Added by Caroline Boisson | Altic about 15 years ago
Hello all
I created new role in Redmine and changed user roles,
I wanted to delete the role than we wouldn't use anymore but i have the error "This role is in use and can not be deleted" how can i check which user are on a role? Is there someting else to do other than changer users' roles?
Thanks for your answer !
Replies (2)
RE: Deleting role - how to check who's using a role? - Added by Yann Marquet about 15 years ago
Hello Caroline,
May be you could check with a sql query what is the id of role you would like to delete and then check on every table containing a role_id where there are rows that matches that id for the role_id.
Tables 'members', 'workflows' contain that relation. Check your 'schema.rb'.
RE: Deleting role - how to check who's using a role? - Added by Caroline Boisson | Altic about 15 years ago
Sorry to answer so late,
so it worked and here i add for users with the same problem:
some of our projects were archived with users and roles that we didn't want to use any more.
So we decided that when a project is archived you have to remove all participants.
Thanks again !
Caroline B