


Lighttpd+fcgi+sub-URI=500-Internal Server Error

Added by Pavel Shushunov over 15 years ago


If I did not add to the file redmine/config/environment.rb:
Redmine:: Utils:: relative_url_root = "/redmine" or
ActionController:: AbstractRequest.relative_url_root = "/redmine" or
ActionController:: Base.relative_url_root = "/redmine"
Then I get an error from Redmine "Page not found".
A file production.log add entries about this:
... ActionController:: RoutingError (No route matches "/redmine/" with (: method =>: get }):...

If I add at the end of the file redmine/config/environment.rb:
Redmine:: Utils:: relative_url_root = "/redmine" or
ActionController:: AbstractRequest.relative_url_root = "/redmine" or
ActionController:: Base.relative_url_root = "/redmine"
Then I get an error from Lighttpd "500-Internal Server Error".
And in the file production.log nothing is added (File redmine/config/environment.rb set config.log_level =:debug).

In what could be the problem?
How do I fix this?

My system:
@$ ruby -v
ruby 1.8.7 (2008-05-31 patchlevel 0) [mipsel-linux]

$ rails --version
Rails 2.3.4

$ uname -a
Linux Router #9 2009-10-30 20:22:17 MSK mips GNU/Linux

$ sqlite3 -version

$ lighttpd -v
lighttpd/1.4.24 (ssl) - a light and fast webserver
Build-Date: Oct 26 2009 05:41:39

$ gem list --local
  • LOCAL GEMS ***
    actionmailer (2.3.4)
    actionpack (2.3.4)
    activerecord (2.3.4)
    activeresource (2.3.4)
    activesupport (2.3.4)
    rack (1.0.1)
    rails (2.3.4)
    rake (0.8.3)
    rubygems-update (1.3.1)
    sqlite3-ruby (1.2.5)

ruby-fcgi (0.8.7) installed manually

$ pwd

Environment production@

Replies (2)

RE: Lighttpd+fcgi+sub-URI=500-Internal Server Error - Added by Jiongliang Zhang about 15 years ago

has your problem been resolved? Please show us the answer.

RE: Lighttpd+fcgi+sub-URI=500-Internal Server Error - Added by Jiongliang Zhang about 15 years ago

I found it, change "ActionController:: AbstractRequest.relative_url_root = '/redmine'" to "config.action_controller.relative_url_root='/redmine'", then it run well. You can see Defect #2894.
