


Automatic repository creation for Mercurial (or Git)..

Added by utku karatas almost 15 years ago

Hi all,

Are there any plugins that could free me of ssh'ing into the server issuing repo init commands. (Maybe I miss an obvious, already existing solution. I'm kinda suprised this doesn't come by default.)


Replies (1)

RE: Automatic repository creation for Mercurial (or Git).. - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 15 years ago

See HowTo_Automate_repository_creation, the script can be given the command to run as an argument, which makes it suitable to use not only for svn but also for git or mercurial. The only thing you won't get with this solution is the choice of repo type, i.e. each project without repo will get a repo of the one type the script is configured with. If you need something more flexible, there are some patches (or maybe even plugins?) floating around, but you'll have to dig through the forums and the issue tracker to find them :-)
