


Menu Link Plugin 0.0.1 Released

Added by Tide _ over 14 years ago

I am happy to announce a new plugin for Redmine.
Menu Link is a plugin that will add a link to the top of Redmine.
What makes Menu Link different?

  • You can change the name and link at anytime in the settings area.
  • Changing the name or link does not require a Redmine restart.
  • Option to open the link in a new window.
  • Option to require the user to be logged in.

You can download the plugin from the menu_link github site listed below.

Replies (2)

RE: Menu Link Plugin 0.0.1 Released - Added by Jerome Vanthournout over 14 years ago

Hi Jake,

This is a good plugin.
However, it would be great if the menu was project dependent and have the possibility to customize the top menu per project.


RE: Menu Link Plugin 0.0.1 Released - Added by Tide _ over 14 years ago

I may make a version like that in the future. I am working on a version that lets you put multiple links on the top menu. This will be an Administrator plugin though. After that I will look into a per project plugin. Thanks for trying it out and giving some feedback!
