


acts_as_event/activity question

Added by Eric Thomas almost 15 years ago

Hello, I am trying to create my plugin to utilize the acts_as_event/activity plugins.
I have everything working except for the url option.

belongs_to :project
acts_as_event :title => {|o| "#{o.title}"},
              :author => nil,
              :datetime => :updated_on,
              :description => {|o| "#{o.description}"},
              :url => "" 
acts_as_activity_provider :timestamp => "#{table_name}.updated_on",
                          :find_options => {:include => :project,
                                            :select => "#{HflEvent.table_name}.*"}

What I want to do is just link to an outside website instead of the show method. As you can see, I'm just trying to link to yahoo, but it interprets that as a method called "". Anyone know of a way to get around this without having to hack the redmine internals?

Replies (4)

RE: acts_as_event/activity question - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 15 years ago

Well, I'd say it's a bug, I can't really find which part doesn't play nice in the whole chain.

RE: acts_as_event/activity question - Added by Eric Thomas almost 15 years ago

A bug with my code or a bug with the redmine code?

RE: acts_as_event/activity question - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 15 years ago

Oh, I meant a bug in the redmine code. I can't really find anything that would make it intentional that you can't pass a URL, so I'd say: file a bug :-)
