


Can the Documents tab see disk files

Added by Steve Hueners almost 15 years ago

Greets - a new user here - zero to no experience with RM or Rails from a customizing/admin POV. I've had an install running on my IIS box for about a year for use by a small team. Kudos to those responsible for a system that can run as unattended as this thing has (and yes...i see that donate button over there...)

I'm looking for a way to pre-populate a user's documents list with server-generated files without the typical method of humans placing files.

I have Windows Shell script that digests my server logs and presents summaries and exceptions in plain text (though I _could adjust that to be HTML) files. I'd like to navigate to my Documents tab and see a listing of these files and, ideally, lets me use any of the other native linking resources to share and comment with other RM users. e.g. Hey's the log output that relates to Issue #409

Any plug in that comes close to that sort of functionality?


Replies (3)

RE: Can the Documents tab see disk files - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 15 years ago

You won't be able to do that in the documents tab (well, not entirely true as you could hook up to redmine on the console and feed it some files…), but I think the file repository type might be what you are looking for (haven't used it myself though, so I can't tell you exactly what it can do).

RE: Can the Documents tab see disk files - Added by Steve Hueners almost 15 years ago

Unless i miss my guess, clicking a listing in Files will always download the given file...i'm interested in opening/viewing. Even if i can't auto-link to the issues bodies.


RE: Can the Documents tab see disk files - Added by Felix Schäfer almost 15 years ago

No, I didn't mean the Files module/tab, but the Repository module/tab with the SCM Filesystem. This will show you the contents of the directory and you will be able to link files and even specific lines using the source: links. The only downside here is that you can't write to there from redmine, but you could share the directory over whatever means pleases you, I think it should even be possible to share it through webdav and integrate the authentication and authorization of it through the module.
