Plugins on Redmine 0.8.4
Added by Tinashe Rioga almost 15 years ago
Hi there. I am running Redmine 0.8.4 which i want to use to test-pilot plugins. Currently:
- kubuntu linux 9.10
- Redmine 0.8.4
- Rails2.3.5
- Ruby 1.8.7
- Mysql driver for ruby: 2.8.1
I am having a problem with the Charts Plugin..(version 0.0.13) on the above specification. No chart is being displayed...only the path C:\Users\John\Documents\flash\svn\data-files\data-47.txt
I am not quite sure how to configure open flash chart and the charts plugin to generate the charts.
Any suggestions..
Replies (1)
RE: Plugins on Redmine 0.8.4
Added by Felix Schäfer almost 15 years ago
Not sure if the plugin is still supported for such an "old" Redmine version, but I'd suggest contacting the plugin author for help.