How to install a theme using Git
Added by Jaime Stuardo almost 15 years ago
I'm trying to install a new theme. Accoring to installation instructions, i have to run this command:
git clone git://
The fact is that i don't have a git command.
By searching in Internet, I have found the page that explains how to install a plugin using script/plugin command that comes with Redmine.
When I run it, using verbose parameter, I got an error: [~/www/tools/projects]# script/plugin install git:// -v
plugin: version unknown [~/www/tools/projects]#
Any help will be greatly appreciated
Replies (3)
RE: How to install a theme using Git
Added by Eric Thomas almost 15 years ago
I'm not aware of that script nor have I bothered to install any new themes, but I'm sure it doesn't take a git repository URL.
If you don't have git installed, what you should do is:- Go to:
- Click 'Download source'
- Extract the contents to
- Restart your server.
RE: How to install a theme using Git
Added by Felix Schäfer almost 15 years ago
Jaime Stuardo wrote:
By searching in Internet, I have found the page that explains how to install a plugin using script/plugin command that comes with Redmine.
When I run it, using verbose parameter, I got an error: [~/www/tools/projects]# script/plugin install git:// -v
plugin: version unknown [~/www/tools/projects]#
As the name implies it installs plugins, not themes, and uses git internally if provided a git-type URL. The suggestion of the parent to download the theme as a package seems sound.
RE: How to install a theme using Git
Added by Jaime Stuardo almost 15 years ago
thanks, I copied the theme source manually and it worked.