Advanced Query Plugin Suggestion Box
Added by Jacky Leung over 14 years ago
Soon this weekend I will start writing a query extension to have at least the following function:
- Range value filter. e.g. "Estimated Time: [is between|is not between] (<textfield> [<|<=] estimated time [<|<=] <textfield>)
- Additional search selection such as Issue last updated by [Anyone|assignee|list of selection] less than <textfield> [hours|days|week|month]
- Additional search selection such as Issue last status change by [Anyone|assignee|list of selection] less than <textfield> [hours|days|week|month]
This is the additional functionality that I will use with combination of redmine_issue_reminder plugin.
example usage will be:- Every 6am (by cron), checks if issue on feedback for longer than 2 days and send assignee to follow up with the issue (days value can be adjustable as it is custom query based)
- Spent hour - estimated time is between 80% to 100% and it is still under "In Progress/Feedback"
or anything possible base on whatever query you made. I am still designing the codes structure and also welcoming any additional suggestion/ideas on query plugin.
Thing to consider:- Query performance on large database
- Query function complexity
Replies (2)
RE: Advanced Query Plugin Suggestion Box
Added by Jacky Leung over 14 years ago
if you have any function want to make, and not too complicated i will put it into my plugin as well (if it is too complicated i may postpone it to future release depends on is it doable)
RE: Advanced Query Plugin Suggestion Box
Added by Jacky Leung over 14 years ago
Jacky Leung wrote:
- Additional search selection such as Issue last updated by [Anyone|assignee|list of selection] less than <textfield> [hours|days|week|month]
- Additional search selection such as Issue last status change by [Anyone|assignee|list of selection] less than <textfield> [hours|days|week|month]
Just found out those two are unnecessary, they are in the redmine already (face palm).
But I got requested an functionality that I am not sure how to do it.- Ticket status is "Blocked" and there is no blocking issue
- ask assigned dev to link up a blocking issue
- Ticket status is "Blocked" and blocking issues are in status "Resolved" or "On Live" or there
- ask assigned dev to mark ticket as approved
This look tricky, any one got any idea of how to apply into Query Filter?