


Syntax highlighter

Added by roman JProof about 14 years ago

Hello I am looking for an syntax highlighter for the Wiki.
It should highlight css html and php
Have some one an idea?

I am new in Redmine/Ruby.

Thanx for helping

Replies (5)

RE: Syntax highlighter - Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago

That already works in the < pre> tags with additional < code class="language"> tags, see at the bottom of the advanced wiki syntax help. Example:

* html body{ width: expression( document.documentElement.clientWidth < 900 ? '900px' : '100%' ); }
body {behavior: url(/stylesheets/;}

RE: Syntax highlighter - Added by roman JProof about 14 years ago

Thanx for your help!

The Problem: I had worked with 2 versions of codeRay
one in the Ruby gems directory
the other Version in /redmine/public/vendor/plugins/

solution: i had copy the complete tree from first /coderay into /redmin (2.)

....das ist wenn die Basics in ruby fehlen ;-)

RE: Syntax highlighter - Added by roman JProof about 14 years ago

Hello Felix,

I had try out and checked the server (permission) it will not function. Ruby goes
the syntax
< pre>< code class="ruby">
Place you code here.
< /code>< /pre>
will be function

< pre>< code class="php">
< /code>< /pre>
looks same like this:


Css will be function

have i forgot something to configure?

RE: Syntax highlighter - Added by roman JProof about 14 years ago

Css will be function in this forum but not at my site
perhaps you can have a look?

RE: Syntax highlighter - Added by Felix Schäfer about 14 years ago

I think 0.9 stable ships with an older version of coderay (the syntax highlighting engine) that doesn't support as much languages as the one shipped with trunk does. Either have a little patience until 1.0 is stable and upgrade then, or upgrade to trunk now (which currently is pretty stable).
