Stable plugins list?
Added by Patrick Desmarais over 14 years ago
Hi all,
Do you think it would be a good idea to have a page in the wiki presenting all stable plugins, in a similar presentation with screenshots and special installation instructions? I find it difficult to look through the forums to see which plugin has been updated, which ones are now stable against the latest redmine release, etc.
Your opinion?
Replies (4)
RE: Stable plugins list?
Added by Patrick Desmarais over 14 years ago
I know that there's already a list of plugins but I feel like it's missing some info (screenshots particularly). Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining! ;)
RE: Stable plugins list?
Added by Felix Schäfer over 14 years ago
The big question being: who would maintain such a list? A now stable plugin might break the with next redmine release, and that's nothing a wiki page will be able to catch on its own… :-)
RE: Stable plugins list?
Added by Jean-Baptiste Barth over 14 years ago
It has already been discussed in a meeting on IRC. The clean solution would be a specific website such as or I agree we can't handle correctly everything in a wikipage here on, plugins should be evaluated, and marked as working correctly or not with each new stable version of the core.
An other idea is to have a specific redmine instance to run such a website, with a project per plugin. Authors would have limited rights on their projet, to explain how plugin works, track bugs, and tell us the incompatibilities.
We could run such a website under a subdomain or, or on, a domain I bought some months ago, hoping I would have the time to build a "redmine plugins test service". I can offer it if needed, and I have a VPS which could be sufficient for the beginning.
The main problem is to define what we want, who maintains what, etc.
RE: Stable plugins list?
Added by Eric Davis over 14 years ago
I think the plugin directory would mostly solve this problem. All plugins could be listed there and if a plugin isn't stable in Redmine 0.9.6, a comment can be added for that. Then it would be easy to see which plugins work on what version of Redmine.
Jean-Baptiste Barth:
(Once I get some time) I was going to record short screencasts and create a demo site on Heroku for each of my plugins (yes, for every 70+ plugin....). Until then, I've tried to post screenshots of all of my plugins to their Wiki page here, the release announcement, and in the code repository of the plugin itself.
Eric Davis