


Best Agile plugin today?

Added by SyRenity Now over 14 years ago


What is the most stable and feature-wide Agile plugin today?

From quick scan over the plugins list (, seems as the Backlogs plugin is the most evolved one?

Can anyone comment on this?


Replies (6)

RE: Best Agile plugin today? - Added by Eric Davis over 14 years ago

Agile is such a broad term now, it's almost impossible to say which one is the "best". What problem are you trying to solve?

I know backlogs is under active development. My own Kanban plugin is always under active development.

Eric Davis

RE: Best Agile plugin today? - Added by SyRenity Now over 14 years ago


Kanban is interesting approach, can your plugin produce charts?

Also, can it work together with Backlogs plugin, for mixed Scrum-Kanban approach?


RE: Best Agile plugin today? - Added by Eric Davis over 14 years ago

SyRenity Now wrote:

Kanban is interesting approach, can your plugin produce charts?

No, our focus with Kanban is to present a Kanban dashboard for users to use. Since we are modifying the issues directly any other Redmine charting plugin can be used.

Also, can it work together with Backlogs plugin, for mixed Scrum-Kanban approach?

Kanban keeps track of it's own data and hooks into Redmine using the official APIs so they should work together, but I haven't used Backlogs so I don't know how it works.

Eric Davis

RE: Best Agile plugin today? - Added by SyRenity Now over 14 years ago


I installed your plugin, but found several issues with it.

Please give a look on your site, I filled out the issues there.


RE: Best Agile plugin today? - Added by Amol Pujari about 11 years ago a very simple one to report and track daily status

RE: Best Agile plugin today? - Added by li an over 10 years ago

can daily status plugin be used in btinami redmine 2.3.2? I installed,but if add a new status, the page shows 404 error.
