


Custom Field Type does not validate

Added by Robert Gruendler over 13 years ago


i'm trying out this plugin which adds a custom field type "Url". It works
fine on my local testing environment, but when i want to save a custom field with the type "Url" on our production setup,
i'm getting a validation error:

Format is not included in the list

I've already restarted our webserver - actually the complete vm-ware instance. The plugin is recognized in the administration
area, and the new custom field type "Url" is available in the drop down of field types. However, when i want to save a new
custom field, validation fails.

Has anyone a hint what's the problem with that?


Replies (5)

RE: Custom Field Type does not validate - Added by Bo Hansen over 13 years ago

Same problem here - did you find a solution?

RE: Custom Field Type does not validate - Added by Robert Gruendler over 13 years ago

not really. i implemented it in my googldocs plugin, which adds the custom field during a migration task:

no validation errors:

RE: Custom Field Type does not validate - Added by Anonymous over 13 years ago

I have the same problem on our production system - any idea/solution?

RE: Custom Field Type does not validate - Added by Bo Hansen over 13 years ago

My solution was to run the production database in development mode, create the url field and switch back to production mode.

What version are you running? I'm using 1.1.0, but I wonder if it might be fixed in 1.1.1?

RE: Custom Field Type does not validate - Added by Guillermo Bonvehi almost 13 years ago

I was trying to implement Google Docs plugin and found the problem and solution.
Disabled fields are not sent in POST messages and the plugin disables the Format field to Text.
I manually removed (by using Inspect on the browser) the disabled property of the select element and when hit submit it went fine.

<select disabled="disabled" id="custom_field_field_format" name="custom_field[field_format]" onchange="toggle_custom_field_format();">


<select id="custom_field_field_format" name="custom_field[field_format]" onchange="toggle_custom_field_format();">

