



Added by Luis Serrano Aranda over 13 years ago

I try the pluguin redmine_ckeditor and works very well, but I have a problem with Lotus Notes hyperlinks:
I have added whit code the posibility int the plugin to attach a lotus notes hyperlink and works

Before put Update the issue it is possible to watch the html code generated for ckeditor and it's ok, bit when I click update Redmine not makes the hyperlink corretly (I watch with firebug).

I have modify the file redmine_ckeditor.rb (ALLOWED_TAGS = ...notes)
but don't work...

Could you helpme please

Thanks in advance

Replies (5)

RE: Plugin CKEDITOR - Added by Luis Serrano Aranda over 13 years ago

Luis Serrano Aranda wrote:

I try the pluguin redmine_ckeditor and works very well, but I have a problem with Lotus Notes hyperlinks:
I have added whit code the posibility int the plugin to attach a lotus notes hyperlink and works

Before put Update the issue it is possible to watch the html code generated for ckeditor and it's ok, bit when I click update Redmine not makes the hyperlink corretly (I watch with firebug).

I have modify the file redmine_ckeditor.rb (ALLOWED_TAGS = ...notes)
but don't work...

Could you helpme please

Thanks in advance

I have tried to solve the problem by modifying the methods parse_redmine_links, parse_wiki_

links in application_helper, and formatter.rb in redmine/lib/redmine/wiki_formatting/textile
(line 72 add (?:notes?://)|

But any solution works....

I modiify application_helper parse_wiki_links,

RE: Plugin CKEDITOR - Added by Luis Serrano Aranda over 13 years ago

Luis Serrano Aranda wrote:

Luis Serrano Aranda wrote:

I try the pluguin redmine_ckeditor and works very well, but I have a problem with Lotus Notes hyperlinks:
I have added whit code the posibility int the plugin to attach a lotus notes hyperlink and works

Before put Update the issue it is possible to watch the html code generated for ckeditor and it's ok, bit when I click update Redmine not makes the hyperlink corretly (I watch with firebug).

I have modify the file redmine_ckeditor.rb (ALLOWED_TAGS = ...notes)
but don't work...

Could you helpme please

Thanks in advance

I have tried to solve the problem by modifying the methods parse_redmine_links, parse_wiki_

links in application_helper, and formatter.rb in redmine/lib/redmine/wiki_formatting/textile
(line 72 add (?:notes?://)|

But any solution works....

RE: Pluguin CKEDITOR - Added by Luis Serrano Aranda over 13 years ago

Anyone could you helpme ?

RE: Pluguin CKEDITOR - Added by Aderito CARAPITO over 10 years ago

i have the same problem. Changing config file don't do anything. Really, i don't know how to customize The CKEDITOR plugins in "rich.rb" file. The plugins never updates, even with rake plugins update. Cache problem?
I have a question: how to activate this plugins configuration files?
