Modifications for the docpu- and mathjax-Plugins
Added by Nico Schaumberger over 13 years ago
I have been working on a modification for the docpu-plugin ( and the mathjax-Plugin ( for the past week. Now after I finally got it to work, I want to share my experiences and maybe find some suggestions on what I could have done better.
Here is what I wanted to do:- Oranise the wiki as a linear tree, with each subsection and subsubsection on a different wiki-page.
- Include all images in the pdf-document, and set imagecaptions where specified.
- Convert all wiki-pagelinks to references inside the pdf-document, except for those at the end of each page.
- The pfd-properties should be set according to the document-properties in docpu.
- LaTeX-Expressions should be displayed correctly in the wiki and the pdf-document.
I was working with redmine 1.0.1 on debian squeeze. Because of my very poor knowledge of Ruby, I had to do most of the actual work with bash-scripts. Here is the first script, for installing the docpu-plugin:
#!/bin/bash ## This script installs and configures the docpu-plugin for redmine on Debian. First, all the packages needed will be installed with aptitude, then the configurations and permissions will be set. aptitude update # All the required software is installed here aptitude install texlive-latex-base aptitude install texlive-latex-extra aptitude install libredcloth-ruby # Download, install and configure the doc_pu plugin: wget -O /usr/share/redmine/vendor/plugins/ unzip /usr/share/redmine/vendor/plugins/ -d /usr/share/redmine/vendor/plugins/ rm /usr/share/redmine/vendor/plugins/ chmod -R 755 /usr/share/redmine/vendor/plugins/redmine_doc_pu mkdir /usr/share/redmine/files chown www-data:www-data /usr/share/redmine/files # This part of the script assumes that and doc_pu_controller.rb are in the same directory as cp ./ /usr/share/redmine/ cp ./doc_pu_controller.rb /usr/share/redmine/vendor/plugins/redmine_doc_pu/app/controllers/doc_pu_controller.rb # Here, the webserver and database will be reconfigured. cd /usr/share/redmine/ rake db:migrate_plugins RAILS_ENV=production /etc/init.d/apache2 reload /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
The second script deals with modifying the LaTeX-output of docpu in order to get rid of some unwanted behavior:
#!/bin/bash # This script converts the output of the doc_pu plugin to a pdf file with the following properties: # -> Images are embedded into the file. # -> Inline LaTeX commands are preserved. # -> Links after LINKDELIMITER on each page are ignored. # -> Internal references are resolved into hyperlinks. # -> Pdfattributes for Author and Title are set. # -> Move the resultfile to the filepath specified by the first argument. LINKDELIMITER=/^Links:$/ # Create a clean working directory an populate it with the contents of the files directory. Grant all permissions on this directory, to allow pdflatex to access and write all its contents. rm -rf /usr/share/redmine/files/docpu_currentbuild mkdir /usr/share/redmine/files/docpu_currentbuild chmod -R 777 /usr/share/redmine/files/docpu_currentbuild cp /usr/share/redmine/files/template.tex /usr/share/redmine/files/docpu_currentbuild cp /usr/share/redmine/files/document.tex /usr/share/redmine/files/docpu_currentbuild # Copy the required images into the correct directory. This is necessary because all references in the .tex-file are local, and therefore the images have to be in the same directory as the .tex-file in order to be included in the pdf. cp /var/lib/redmine/default/files/* /usr/share/redmine/files/docpu_currentbuild/ cd /usr/share/redmine/files/docpu_currentbuild/ ## These substitutions are necessary because doc_pu will escape all '$' and '\' Symbols when exporting to LaTeX. If LaTeX-Expressions like '$expression$' or '\[expression\]' are used, they will be interpreted as plaintext if these escapes are not removed. # ...Substitute '$$expression$$' for '\$\$expression\$\$'. sed 's/\\\$\\\$\(.*\)\\\$\\\$/\$\$\1\$\$/g' ./document.tex > ./output.tex rm ./document.tex mv ./output.tex ./document.tex # ...Substitute '$expression$' for '\$expression\$'. sed 's/\\\$\(.*\)\\\$/\$\1\$/g' ./document.tex > ./output.tex rm ./document.tex mv ./output.tex ./document.tex # ...Substitute '\' for '\textbackslash{}'. sed 's/\\textbackslash{}/\\/g' ./document.tex > ./output.tex rm ./document.tex mv ./output.tex ./document.tex # Remove all links at the end. The primary porpose of this step is to increase readability in the linear document. sed "$LINKDELIMITER,/\\s/d" ./document.tex > ./output.tex rm ./document.tex mv ./output.tex ./document.tex # Add the missing labels. This is necessary for the internal references to work. sed 's/section{\([^\]*\)}$/section{\1} \\label{page:\1}/' ./document.tex > ./output.tex rm ./document.tex mv ./output.tex ./document.tex # Grant all permissions on the new file (otherwise, redmine will not be able to modify it later on). chmod 777 ./document.tex # Author und Title are added to the pdf properties. sed 's/\\title{\(.*\)} \\author{\(.*\)} \\usepackage{hyperref}/\\title{\1} \\author{\1} \\usepackage\[pdftex,pdfauthor={\2},pdftitle={\1}\]{hyperref}/' ./template.tex > ./output.tex rm ./template.tex mv ./output.tex ./template.tex # Grant all permissions on the new file (otherwise, redmine will not be able to modify it later on). chmod 777 ./template.tex # Call pdflatex twice. The second call will use the corrected backreferences of the first call. pdflatex ./template.tex pdflatex ./template.tex # Replace the document originally created with pdflatex with our modified version. Now, the "View document" command of doc_pu should return the modified file. mv ./template.pdf $1
The third file is essentially a modified version of the original doc_pu_controller.rb. The only change is to add the two lines
output = `/usr/share/redmine/ #{@doc.filepath}` @log.push({:line => output, :msg => nil})
to the build_remote function, right before
render :partial => "log"is called.
Now, the pdf-output should work as desired, if the correct permissions for document publishing are set. The last script is a modified version of the mathjax-Plugin. The changes to this Plugin essentially enable the $expression$-Syntax and the HTML-output for Firefox. Replace the "var config"- and "script src"-lines by the following:
script.src=\"\"; var config = 'MathJax.Hub.Config({ tex2jax: { inlineMath: [ [\"$\",\"$\"] ]}, MMLorHTML: { prefer: { Firefox: \"HTML\" } } }); MathJax.Hub.Startup.onload();';
After restarting the webserver, all intended LaTeX-Expressions should render correctly.
I know that this approach to the problem is less than optimal: Editing the ruby-source directly to achieve the desired result would definitly be the better solution, but maybe the shellscripts I provided will help someone with more experience in the language to do this.
Replies (3)
RE: Modifications for the docpu- and mathjax-Plugins
Added by Guillaume Chéramy over 13 years ago
Hello Nico,
I done the same things with Debian Squeeze and Redmine 1.2.1 and it's works but now I can't know how to make french template for accents.
Good job
RE: Modifications for the docpu- and mathjax-Plugins
Added by R Daneel Olivaw almost 13 years ago
I tested this plugin with redmine 2.0.0 stable and it works.
But you have to consider the following items :- In the script
proposed by Nico, the path.../redmine/vendor/plugins
is now.../redmine/plugins
. - It is necessary to modify the file
- In the script
, the commandrake db:migrate_plugins RAILS_ENV=production
is now deprecated,rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
is prefered. - In the script
, the path/var/lib/redmine/default/files/
is the path defined byattachments_storage_path
in the config fileredmine/config/configuration.yml
- the redmine macro
is not exploited by the\maketitle
command in LaTeX. - documents produced shows french accents correctly.
A routing issue exists when i try to access to the settings pannel of the plugin with the following message logged :
ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches {:controller=>"doc_pu_settings", :action=>"test_latex"}): lib/plugins/prototype_legacy_helper/lib/prototype_legacy_helper.rb:7:in `button_to_remote' app/views/settings/plugin.html.erb:6:in `block in _app_views_settings_plugin_html_erb__307435104_101217720' app/views/settings/plugin.html.erb:4:in `_app_views_settings_plugin_html_erb__307435104_101217720'
RE: Modifications for the docpu- and mathjax-Plugins
Added by R Daneel Olivaw almost 13 years ago
Oups. The feature of exporting wiki pages as pdf was added in 1.3.0 :