


redmine-mylyn connector & "Object is not missing constant Issue!"

Added by augusto callejas almost 13 years ago


i've installed the stable version of redmine from the following branch (mac os x 10.6.8 32-bit mac mini):

svn co redmine-1.2

i configured it with the instructions on the website and it runs great.

next, i need to install the "mylyn-redmine" connector so that i can connect to redmine from eclipse/mylyn.
from the website:

i run the install and update commands:

ruby script/plugin install git://
ruby script/plugin install --force git://

then i noticed that i'm missing various plugins that the connector relies on, so i download and install them from:

once install them, i get the dreaded "Object is not missing constant Issue!" (see attached screenshot)

i have reviewed the various forum messages about "Object is not missing constant X", but they are related to installing redmine and running rake, but i have an install that is already running, and i'm just trying to set up the mylyn connector.

any thoughts?


Replies (1)

RE: redmine-mylyn connector & "Object is not missing constant Issue!" - Added by augusto callejas almost 13 years ago

i was able to figure out my problem. instead of downloading the plugins manually, i should have just svn updated the plugins directory getting all the necessary plugins.
