Is their a way to have Redmine open pdf files in the browser?
Added by Geoffrey Van Wyk over 13 years ago
I am referring to the files that one uploads to an issue. Redmine does open txt and html files in the browser, but not pdfs.
I searched the Web for a plugin but it does not seem to exist.
Replies (9)
RE: Is their a way to have Redmine open pdf files in the browser?
Added by Joaquim Homrighausen over 13 years ago
Isn't this an issue with your web browser, rather than with rm?
RE: Is their a way to have Redmine open pdf files in the browser?
Added by Geoffrey Van Wyk over 13 years ago
The same thing happens in Internet Explorer 8 and in Firefox 6.
RE: Is their a way to have Redmine open pdf files in the browser?
Added by Steven Wong over 13 years ago
you should install the adobe reader and then it supports open pdf files in IE.
RE: Is their a way to have Redmine open pdf files in the browser?
Added by Geoffrey Van Wyk over 13 years ago
Hi Steven,
I do have Adobe Reader, and I can open pdfs in the browser from other sites, but not from my local Redmine. My local Redmine brings up the File Download dialog that asks whether I want to open or save the file.
RE: Is their a way to have Redmine open pdf files in the browser?
Added by Keul Keul about 13 years ago
Seems to be a problem with http header "disposition-type" setting:
Look at the HTTP header : "disposition-type inline/attachment" and try to set it to inline
(use this extension for tests : )
RE: Is their a way to have Redmine open pdf files in the browser?
Added by Joel Jensen over 11 years ago
I hacked this on pretty easily (Sorry I don't have time to make a patch file right now)
Also I have no ruby skills.
Add to app/models/attachment.rb, somewhere next to def thumbnailable:
def pdf?
!!(self.filename =~ /\.(pdf)$/i)
Then modify app/controllers/attachments_controller.rb:
Change the line:
:disposition => (@attachment.image? ? 'inline' : 'attachment')
:disposition => (@attachment.image? || @attachment.pdf? ? 'inline' : 'attachment')
RE: Is their a way to have Redmine open pdf files in the browser?
Added by Aritz Martikorena over 10 years ago
It worked for me. Many thanks
RE: Is their a way to have Redmine open pdf files in the browser?
Added by jean forichon over 10 years ago
Thanks. I am using Bitnami Redmine and had no issue implementing that.
The location of the files is just different:
RE: Is their a way to have Redmine open pdf files in the browser?
Added by Maik Lindner about 9 years ago
Works perfectly! Thank you Joel. This should be default or at least available as an option in redmine.