


Weekly Timesheet Plugin (wk-time)

Added by Alfredo Bonilla about 13 years ago

I've created this entry for having several requests for this good plugin. Very useful. Here are my considerations:

  • The activites shown do not correspond to the active ones for the selected project. They should be reloaded with the right ones for the selected project
  • The user displayed in the User Lists, should be the current one (by default)
  • The layout is displaying info requiring a not really confortable horizontal scroll

Replies (59)

RE: Weekly Timesheet Plugin (wk-time) - Added by Dhanasingh Krishnapandian over 12 years ago

version 0.0.9 of weekly timesheet plugin is released.

Here are the features of version 0.0.9
- Made the plugin compatible with Redmine 2.0
- Fixed the bug - "Comments are not visible for the last row of timesheet"
- French translations for String literals are included

RE: Weekly Timesheet Plugin (wk-time): - Added by Richard Rauch over 11 years ago

are you still working on this plugin?

we installed the plugin and it has already a lot of functionality.
Unfortunately we are missing a functionality, which would be essential for our project controlling.

Our aim is for reporting the work of developers very detailed.
With the current version of the plugin a user is able to create a timesheet row for a specific issue each week and fill in the daily hours.
Per week it is not able to create several rows for the same issue.
For a specific issue a project managers should be able to see, what the developer has done in detail, example:

projekt: xxx issue: #nnn Comment: "bring up test environment" hours: 8 6 2
projekt: xxx issue: #nnn Comment: "trying to reproduce bug" hours: 4
projekt: xxx issue: #nnn Comment: "debugging in order to loacate error position in source code" hours: 8
projekt: xxx issue: #nnn Comment: "bugfix: changing source code in function xxxxx" hours: 8
projekt: xxx issue: #nnn Comment: "final test of bugfix" hours: nnn
projekt: xxx issue: #nnn Comment: "creating and publishing hotfix version" hours: nnn

so it should be able to add for one issue more than one row with different comments, which are descibing the work more detailed.

do you think, this approach is reasonable? could it be implemented in further versions of the plugin ?

Thanks in Advance

RE: Weekly Timesheet Plugin (wk-time) - Added by Dhanasingh Krishnapandian about 11 years ago

thanks for your comments.
yeah, several users have raised this problem, we are looking into this.
we can put that fix in our next release 1.7
We might release 1.7 next month.

For the moment, you could put comments through detail popup or create activities like setup, reproduce, debug, bugfix, final test, publish etc...


RE: Weekly Timesheet Plugin (wk-time) - Added by Adam Kuczma about 11 years ago

Hello Dhanasingh,

Any forecast for 1.7 delivery date? Is it going to be compatible with Redmine 2.4.2?



RE: Weekly Timesheet Plugin (wk-time) - Added by Dhanasingh Krishnapandian about 11 years ago

May be next month, we are busy with other stuff right now.
yeah, we will make it compatible with 2.4


RE: Weekly Timesheet Plugin (wk-time) - Added by Istvan Heckl over 9 years ago

-- When a Manager edits a Member T&E, his permission will be checked rather than the member's permission"

This does not work properly. If role A have every time permission and role B has none, then A should be able to record a new log for B but can not.

Two suggestions:
If you select issue based on id and subject, you just enter the issue id (but not select the issue itself), then the time will not be saved. But it is written in green, so you do not notice it.
It would be great if you see here the full issue subject not just the id.


RE: Weekly Timesheet Plugin (wk-time) - Added by Suganya Thulasiraman over 9 years ago

Like we said before, the permission problem will be fixed in the next release

RE: Weekly Timesheet Plugin (wk-time) - Added by Suganya Thulasiraman over 9 years ago

The permission bug is fixed in T&E 2.0, please take a look

RE: Weekly Timesheet Plugin (wk-time) - Added by Istvan Heckl over 9 years ago

The rights are handled correctly. Now the manager can create time log for a developer even if the developer do not have any time log permission. What is more, the developer can not see the time logs, if they do not have rights. Many thanks!!!

As I was testing there is a problem with "Enter issue as ID/Subject". When I check the checkbox I got an unnecessary warning, do you want to leave the page. The main thing is that, when I write part of the subject, select the subject I got an error (no matter which issue I choose, I use chrome):

If I do not use "Enter issue as ID/Subject" but menu than it works. Unfortunately the menu is huge.
