


Make a patch inside plugin

Added by Luis Serrano Aranda over 12 years ago

Make a patch inside plugin
I want make I patch inside my plugin of the method def default_columns_names (app/models/query.rb), I write but don't patch the method.

Could you help me ?

This is the code:


require 'redmine'
require 'base64'
require 'dispatcher'

Dispatcher.to_prepare :improve_issues do
# Patches to the Redmine core.
  Query.send(:include, QueryPatch) 


This is the query_patch.rb

require_dependency "query" 

module QueryPatch
   def self.included(base)
        base.send(:include, InstanceMethods)
        base.class_eval do
          alias_method_chain :default_columns_names, :patch 

   module InstanceMethods
         def default_columns_names_with_patch
            @default_columns_names ||= begin
              default_columns =
              if !default_columns.index (:status)
                 default_columns.insert (-1,:status)
              project.present? ? default_columns : [:project] | default_columns


This Is to try to add default columns in the issue list, programmed in the role.

These lines are working inside the core:

if !default_columns.index (:status)
   default_columns.insert (-1,:status)

Adding column status.

Replies (5)

RE: Make a patch inside plugin - Added by Evgeny Tsirkin over 12 years ago

Where from come the idea to put code in improve_issues.ini?
I am just interested .
While creating the plugin I put the initialization code in init.rb.
Why improve_issues.ini?

I am actually putting the require of the lib patch file in init.rb.
Not sure if this is really needed but it works.
In your case maybe this will help :
require 'query_patch'

Ah,and maybe you should put your query_patch.rb in the lib directory.
Yes, at least as I understand ,the engines should pick up the patch from the
models directory.
But all the examples I have seen uses lib location.
Maybe someone with more internal knowledge of redmine & engines could
shed some light on the right location of model patch.
Good luck.

RE: Make a patch inside plugin - Added by Luis Serrano Aranda over 12 years ago

I have almost made ​​the plugin ... Need to improve things but it works just about everything. I joined functionality of plugins that interest me, and added my code ...

I just have a detail, I need a patch work or not depending on whether the module is enabled or not. As I can do?

I've tried (inside init.r and similar lines inside the patch file)

if module_enabled? (: ImproveViewColumns)
Query.send (: include, ColumnsPatch)

But don't work, could you helpme

When I finish the plugin will do public. Thanks in advance

RE: Make a patch inside plugin - Added by Luis Serrano Aranda over 12 years ago

Once solved this, only I do to improve the treatment of the views ...
but do not overwriting them with hooks and if you have the hook necessary, override the view by simply adding the hook

RE: Make a patch inside plugin - Added by Luis Serrano Aranda over 12 years ago

Sorry for my english, google translator helpe but sometimes does not translate properly

RE: Make a patch inside plugin - Added by Luis Serrano Aranda over 12 years ago

And sorry in my plugin the init file is init.rb not improve_issues.ini. I do not know why I wrote this name in the message :P
