


How to use SortHelper and Filters in a Redmine Plugin?

Added by Marco Nobler over 12 years ago

Hi all,
i'm developing a Redmine Plugin to get a list of bugs related to a project from a remote system.

I built an "index" action that lists all bugs info in a tabular way.

I'd like to add Sort and Filter functionality to that view and it would be nice for me to use SortHelper and QueryHelper, but i am not much experienced in Ruby on Rails and Redmine platform so i need some help to understand how to use this Helpers in my Controller ans View.

this is my controller:

class BugsController < ApplicationController
  before_filter :find_project, :authorize, :only => :index

  helper :sort
  include SortHelper

  def index
    sort_init 'livello_gravita','asc'
    sort_update %w(id livello_grativa name description) ? "@project is nil" : "@project name is = #{}")
    @bugs = Bug.find(:all,:conditions => "title LIKE '%#{}%'",:order => sort_clause)

and in my index.html.erb i used "sort_header_tag" like this:
         <%= sort_header_tag('id', :title => 'Identificativo') %>
         <%= sort_header_tag('livello_gravita', :caption => 'Livello Gravita') %>
         <%= sort_header_tag('name') %>
         <%= sort_header_tag('description', :width => 200) %>

Could please someone help me?

attached is a bmp file where you can see the result of a sorting: the header is duplicated and i see always the "loading" message...

Thanks in advance
Marco Nobler

bugs_controller.rb (887 Bytes) bugs_controller.rb bugs_controller.rb
index.html.erb (667 Bytes) index.html.erb index.html.erb
sort_result.JPG (160 KB) sort_result.JPG