

Marco Nobler

  • Login: mnobler
  • Registered on: 2012-02-13
  • Last connection: 2018-05-14


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Assigned issues 0 0 0
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15:34 Redmine Help: RE: build query string using link_to
i found a solution, below:
link_to "Crea Issue", :controller => "issues", :action => "new", :project_id => @pid, *...
Marco Nobler
14:53 Redmine Help: build query string using link_to
Hi, i searched trough forums but didn't find how to build a querystring like in this example using "link_to" helper, ... Marco Nobler


11:24 Redmine Help: how to define a custom field of "password" type?
hello everibody, reading the redmine help i cannot find a way to set Redmine Custom Field of type "password".
How ca...
Marco Nobler


16:28 Redmine Help: redmine 2.2.0 - crash selecting "Issues" Tab on a project
My redmine installation (Bitnami Redmine 2.2.0 stack) crashes when I select “issues” tab for a specific project (atti... Marco Nobler


17:25 Redmine Plugins: porting from redmine 1.3.2 to redmine 2.1.2 - problems with autocomplete
hello everibody, i have a problem with the autocomplete functionality in porting my plugin from redmine 1.3.2 to 2.1.... Marco Nobler


15:38 Redmine Plugins: RE: Writing plugins compatible with both Redmine 1.x and 2.x - some tips
i'm triyng to port a redmine 1.x plugin to redmine 2.1.2.
I'm facing with a problem with patching modules:
Marco Nobler
15:36 Redmine Plugins: porting redmine 1.x plugin to redmine 2.x
i'm triyng to port a redmine 1.x plugin to redmine 2.1.2.
I'm facing with a problem with patching modules:
Marco Nobler


12:20 Redmine Plugins: RE: Writing plugins compatible with both Redmine 1.x and 2.x - some tips
First of all, thanks for this, it's very useful.
I'm trying to port a plugin built for 1.3 redmine (rails 2) to redm...
Marco Nobler


17:04 Redmine Plugins: RE: How to set DMSF notifications "from"
thanks Daniel for your reply, i tried as you suggested and it works: the notification email is sent using the default... Marco Nobler


15:57 Redmine Plugins: How to set DMSF notifications "from"
Hi all,
i have a problem with the DMSF plugin (redmine 1.3.2, DMSF 1.2.2): when an authenticated redmine user try to...
Marco Nobler

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