


Weekly Timesheet Plugin (wk-time) 0.0.9

Added by Dhanasingh Krishnapandian about 12 years ago

Version 0.0.9 of Weekly Timesheet plugin is released.
Here are the features.
- Made the plugin compatible with Redmine 2.0
- fixed the bug - "Comments are not visible for the last row of timesheet"
- French translations for String literals are included.

Replies (4)

RE: Weekly Timesheet Plugin (wk-time) 0.0.9 - Added by Quang Tuan about 12 years ago

Many thanks you for good plugin. We just used plugin on our intranet site.

But has a issue: We customize 2 mandatory fields in spent time.
Use Administration -> Custom fields -> Spent time Tab. Add Process and Product Category, set Required Field.
In log time page of Redmine, 2 fields have displayed and user must input them before submit log time.
But in the Weekly Timesheet Plugin (wk-time) 0.0.9 input page, you do not display any custom field.
So when we submit timesheet use wk-time 0.0.9, the error displayed: [Could not save Wk-Time: Product Category can't be blank]

I think you should add custom field of spent time like time logging page of Redmine.
So user can choose and submit time via wk-time 0.0.9 without error.
Many thanks.

RE: Weekly Timesheet Plugin (wk-time) 0.0.9 - Added by Dhanasingh Krishnapandian about 12 years ago

Thanks for your feedback.
This is already in our list of features.
We will let you know if we can put them in 1.0


RE: Weekly Timesheet Plugin (wk-time) 0.0.9 - Added by Quang Tuan about 12 years ago

Wait for your next release version.


RE: Weekly Timesheet Plugin (wk-time) 0.0.9 - Added by Dhanasingh Krishnapandian almost 12 years ago

Weekly Timesheet Plugin 1.0 is released
