



Added by zam kp about 12 years ago


I'm trying to upgrade my redmine from 1.3.0 to 2.0.0, but i have problems with the database migration, when i run the command : rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production

its showing an error like
rake aborted!
uninitialized constant RAILS_ENV


ActiveRecord::SubclassNotFound (The single-table inheritance mechanism failed to locate the subclass: 'GoogleAppsAuthSource'. This error is raised because the column 'type' is reserved for storing the class in case of inheritance. Please rename this column if you didn't intend it to be used for storing the inheritance class or overwrite AuthSource.inheritance_column to use another column for that information.):
app/models/user.rb:139:in `try_to_login'
app/controllers/account_controller.rb:143:in `password_authentication'
app/controllers/account_controller.rb:138:in `authenticate_user'
app/controllers/account_controller.rb:30:in `login'

Here is the list of plugin that i am using in my old redmine:
1)Google Apps plugin

2)Redmine Code Review plugin

3)Redmine Hudson plugin

Please help me


Replies (3)

RE: ActiveRecord::SubclassNotFound - Added by William Roush about 12 years ago

Plugin is probably not Rails 3.0 compatible.

RE: ActiveRecord::SubclassNotFound - Added by zam kp about 12 years ago

i installed rails(2.3.14), but no progress same error


RE: ActiveRecord::SubclassNotFound - Added by William Roush about 12 years ago

Redmine 2.0 will not load rails 2.x, it'll load Rails 3.0.x (and even if you get it to load Rails 2.x, it'll crash Redmine).

If you want to use rails 2.x (or plugins that don't support rails 3.0) you'll have to stick with Redmine 1.4.
