


Book Meeting Room give me Error 500

Added by Joseph Rossi about 12 years ago

I installed the plugin (QBurst Technologies) and edited lines in meeting_calendars_controller.rb as follows:

@project_id = "book-meeting-room-2" #This is the ID of my project (
@tracker_id = '8'   #This is the ID of Tracker Book Meeting (
@custom_field = CustomField.all    
@start_time = @custom_field[42].possible_values #This is the ID of Custom Field Start Time (
@end_time = @custom_field[43].possible_values  #This is the ID of Custom Field End Time (
@meeting_rooms=@custom_field[44].possible_values  #This is the ID of Custom Meeting Room (

When I go to I have an error 500:

NoMethodError (undefined method `possible_values' for nil:NilClass):
  vendor/plugins/redmine_meeting_room_calendar/app/controllers/meeting_calendars_controller.rb:9:in `initialize'

Can somebody tell me what's wrong as I really would like to use the plugin. Also I don't see what to change in lines 25 and 41 of the file:

25    if(week_day!=6 && week_day!=0)
41    recur_meeting -=1


Replies (2)

RE: Book Meeting Room give me Error 500 - Added by Ralf Wohner over 11 years ago

Confirming the same problem here. Redmine Version 1.4.5

Hoping for help.

RE: Book Meeting Room give me Error 500 - Added by Alessandro Polverini over 11 years ago

I've the same problem.

Pay attention to the id of the custom_field: it's not the redmine id but the position in the database (!), so it's subject to change if you delete and add custom fields on your installation.
