


Customized template for PDF export

Added by Guillaume Kolman about 12 years ago


We're using Redmine in our company and the team is really satisfied. Thanks for this great tool !

Sometimes, we need to create documents from an issue or wiki page for clients and partners. We can't use the PDF export as we need the document to fit the company's graphic charter.

I was wondering if there was a way (plugin or something else) to get one of those features in redmine :
  • The content of the PDF downloaded from a wiki page or issue uses the same style as we have set up for redmine (h1 titles in blue and with a color background for instance)
  • (the perfect feature for our need) We set up a template somehow, and the content of the PDF is included and adapted to it. (Company Logo, contact, footer...)

I found plugins & patches for Wiki export, for improvement of text formatting, but coulnd't find such features. Did I miss it ? Would it be possible ?

Thanks in advance (and sorry for the frenchy english)

Replies (6)

RE: Customized template for PDF export - Added by Guillaume Kolman over 11 years ago

Hi again,

Any one has a clue on this ?

(sorry if I up the topic, but I received a few private mails about this so it seems I'm not the only one interested ^^)

RE: Customized template for PDF export - Added by Johannes Petersson almost 11 years ago

We're interested in this too, have you found a solution?

RE: Customized template for PDF export - Added by Guillaume Kolman almost 11 years ago

I reveived a few messages like your's so I guess we're not the only ones looking for this ^^

Unfortunately I didn't. We also enriched the wiki with a custom CSS (theme), which wasn't properly exported either.

I noticed that the best way to keep includes, tables, classes... was to use the "print" feature of Firefox :
  1. With Firebug or any browser dev tool, I may remove some of the divs such as documents, tools...
  2. Then I use the print feature of Firefox
  3. I select to print it with Adobe or PDF creator

This is how I managed to keep most (not all) of my CSS working.

Let me know if you find a better way on your side !


RE: Customized template for PDF export - Added by Fedir RYKHTIK over 10 years ago

You should be able to customize the export with the help of wkhtmltopdf.

It's a tool to print HTML pages into PDF.

There are lots of options, so possible to customize the CSS.

If You would like to try, that's a small tutorial how to make it run on Ubuntu

RE: Customized template for PDF export - Added by li an almost 10 years ago

I have tried wkhtmltopdf, and found the image in the wiki page cannot be shown when turned html to pdf, and only redmine is logged in, html can show the image, I think it is for the access of redmine, how to add some parameters in wkhtmltopdf command to solve this problem?

I tried this command: wkhtmltopdf --username xxx --password xxx "D:\xx.html" test.pdf, the username and password are redmine username and password, but it does not work.

Is there any solutioin? Our redmine uses https.

Fedir RYKHTIK wrote:

You should be able to customize the export with the help of wkhtmltopdf.

It's a tool to print HTML pages into PDF.

There are lots of options, so possible to customize the CSS.

If You would like to try, that's a small tutorial how to make it run on Ubuntu

RE: Customized template for PDF export - Added by [ Desperados ] almost 9 years ago

how does redmine create PDFs? layout, font and format are customizable? thanks
