Porting plugin: No redmine at all!
Added by Jiří Křivánek over 12 years ago
I spend more than 18 hours on attempts to port my existing Redmine plugins from 1.3 to 2.0. I was able to fix tons of problems but it still does not work. It makes me crazy...
I read what I could here, I did the cross compare with the other plugins downloaded from here and said to support Redmine 2.0. Cannot find any problem, please help!
My redime is this:
My plugin looks like this - no Redmine in the plugin surrounding (not even the HTML headers in the page source code)!!!
I am not attaching any sources yet, as I expect someone to kick me that I am doing some very very basic error...
Replies (7)
RE: Porting plugin: No redmine at all! - Added by Etienne Massip over 12 years ago
Without any code, it's hard to tell =)
RE: Porting plugin: No redmine at all! - Added by Jiří Křivánek over 12 years ago
No problem - see attached - it is complete this time...
RE: Porting plugin: No redmine at all! - Added by Jiří Křivánek over 12 years ago
BTW: I also tried one of the plugins which are said to be compatible with 2.0. And yes it works.
RE: Porting plugin: No redmine at all! - Added by Jiří Křivánek over 12 years ago
For the convenience, I am also adding a few fragments into text:
require 'redmine'
Redmine::Plugin.register :redmine_kk_works do
name 'KkWorks plugin'
author 'Jiri Krivanek'
description 'This plugin improves the spent time recording and adds the simple reporting on it'
version '0.0.5'
permission :kkworks_view_works,
:kk_works => [:index, :history_depth]
permission :kkworks_edit_works,
:kk_works => [:index, :delete, :edit, :entry, :save_edit, :history_depth]
permission :kkworks_view_self_report,
:kk_works => [:index, :report]
permission :kkworks_view_others_report,
:kk_works => [:index, :report]
menu :top_menu, :kk_works, { :controller => 'kk_works', :action => 'index' }, :caption => :menu_item_caption,
:if => Proc.new { User.current.logged? && (User.current.allowed_to?(:kkworks_view_works, nil, {:global => true}) || User.current.allowed_to?(:kkworks_edit_works, nil, {:global => true}) || User.current.allowed_to?(:kkworks_view_self_report, nil, {:global => true}) || User.current.allowed_to?(:kkworks_view_others_report, nil, {:global => true})) }
match 'kk_works/index', :to => 'kk_works#index'
match 'kk_works/entry', :to => 'kk_works#entry'
match 'kk_works/history_depth', :to => 'kk_works#history_depth'
match 'kk_works/report', :to => 'kk_works#report'
index.html.erb - just a few first rows...
<% html_title l(:menu_item_caption) %>
<div class="contextual">
user_form = "user_select_form"
onSelectChanged = "return " + user_form + ".submit();"
<%= form_tag({:controller => 'kk_works', :action => 'history_depth'}, {:name => user_form}) do %>
if @can_view_others_reports
user_items = []
users = User.find(:all, :conditions => {:users => {:status => User::STATUS_ACTIVE}}, :order => "lastname, firstname")
users.each { |user| user_items << [user.lastname + ' ' + user.firstname, user.id] }
<td nowrap="nowrap" align="right" valign="middle">
<%= l(:selected_user) %>
<td nowrap="nowrap" align="right" valign="middle">
<%= select_tag(:user_id, options_for_select(user_items, @user_id), {:onchange => onSelectChanged}) %>
kk_works_controller.rb - just a few first rows...
require 'time.rb'
class KkWorksController < ApplicationController
before_filter :authorize_global
before_filter :ensure_permissions
def initialize
# Diary
@spent_on_s = Date.today.to_s
@time_from_s = ''
@time_to_s = ''
@issue_id_s = ''
@activity_id = ''
@comments = ''
@error_text = []
@editing_id = nil
@history_depth = 1 # Week
# Report
@alsoTasks = AT_ALL_LEVELS
@user_kind = "U"
@user_id = User.current.id
@intervalMethod = "monthYear"
@month = 1
@year = 2011
@dateFrom = nil
@dateFrom_s = ""
@dateTo = nil
@dateTo_s = ""
def ensure_permissions()
@can_view_works = !!User.current.allowed_to?(:kkworks_view_works, nil, {:global => true})
@can_edit_works = !!User.current.allowed_to?(:kkworks_edit_works, nil, {:global => true})
@can_view_self_reports = !!User.current.allowed_to?(:kkworks_view_self_report, nil, {:global => true})
def index
# Ensure the history depth from the session
if session.has_key?(:kk_works_history_depth)
@history_depth = session[:kk_works_history_depth]
# Ensure the selected user ID from the session
if session.has_key?(:kk_works_diary_user_id) && @can_view_others_reports
@user_id = session[:kk_works_diary_user_id]
session[:kk_works_diary_user_id] = @user_id = User.current.id
RE: Porting plugin: No redmine at all! - Added by Etienne Massip over 12 years ago
You're overriding ApplicationController#initialize
without calling superclass constructor.
RE: Porting plugin: No redmine at all! - Added by Jiří Křivánek over 12 years ago
Great, that is exactly what I expected to happen - just a stupid error resulting from the lack of info - now it works...
Unfortunately, my problems are:- I am writing the Redmine plugins without any deep knowledge of neither Ruby nor Rails nor Redmine (I simply have no time and brain capacity to learn completely new technology).
- The old plugins did not need to do call the supe constructor.
- I was not able to find anywhere noted that the constructors approach has changed.
- Most of the existing Redmine plugins do not override the controller constructor, so I was not able to see it in those few I downloaded and studied for reference.
Well, thank you, since you adviced me, it was just a piece of cake - both my plugins are ready for Redmine 2(.0.3 - hopefully, you will not do such a significant changes in a real future)!
For the others, I am adding one more hint which I was not able to find in any Redmine Wiki pages (but I easily found it on Google):- The JSON encoding/decoding has also changed.
- Different class.
- Different functionality - now "1" is not a valid JSON object (it throws something like
JSON string must be at least two octets
RE: Porting plugin: No redmine at all! - Added by Etienne Massip over 12 years ago
Jiří Křivánek wrote:
Unfortunately, my problems are:
- I am writing the Redmine plugins without any deep knowledge of neither Ruby nor Rails nor Redmine (I simply have no time and brain capacity to learn completely new technology).
- The old plugins did not need to do call the supe constructor.
- I was not able to find anywhere noted that the constructors approach has changed.
- Most of the existing Redmine plugins do not override the controller constructor, so I was not able to see it in those few I downloaded and studied for reference.
In RoR, you should prefer using before_filter
rather than a constructor.
As a general rule, whichever is the language, when you're overriding a method you might want to call the superclass method unless you want to fully replace its behavior.
Well, thank you, since you adviced me, it was just a piece of cake - both my plugins are ready for Redmine 2(.0.3 - hopefully, you will not do such a significant changes in a real future)!
Not until RM 3 for Rails 4, I guess.
- Different functionality - now "1" is not a valid JSON object (it throws something like
JSON string must be at least two octets
Rails is now less permissive; a number is indeed not a JSON object.