


Plugin to create relations between issues and other external systems

Added by Harry Garrood over 11 years ago

Our Redmine installation has a couple of custom fields which refer to external systems, for example, a forum, and a support task database. What I think would be nicer, though, is a plugin which allows you to define external systems -- they would have a name and a URL with an ID placeholder in them -- and then you could add a relation per issue by putting the ID of the related thread/task/whatever into Redmine as an external ID for that system, and Redmine would give you the ability to quickly look at the related entity in the other system, as well as query issues based on this external ID.

I'm sure I can't be the only person who has thought of this -- is anyone else aware of such a plugin?

Replies (2)

RE: Plugin to create relations between issues and other external systems - Added by Terence Mill over 11 years ago

I am searching for something similar

See alos my request to extend a plugin which realdy goes into this direction:

RE: Plugin to create relations between issues and other external systems - Added by Anonymous over 11 years ago

Andriy Lesyuk's Extended fields plugin isn't a total solution, but it may get you a few steps closer to what you want:

It seems to allow the creation of field "templates", where whatever is entered will be displayed upon submission with the defined formatting. I haven't experimented with it at all yet, but it suggests you could add notation to text (ex., adding units to an integer), or turn the text into a wiki link. If that can be added, an external hyperlink wrapper seems very doable. At least such that you could enter, say, an external issue ID# and have it displayed as a link to that issue.
