How to translate Easy Redmine?
Added by David Brandt about 12 years ago
After installing Easy Redmine, the default languages in redmine is disabled.
The language files (.yml files) is placed in "/redmine/plugins/easyproject/easy_plugins/easy_extensions/config/locales" but when making a new .yml file I cannot make it appear in the "default language" dropdown under administration settings.
Any idea how to activate or enable the language files?
Replies (5)
RE: How to translate Easy Redmine?
Added by Terence Mill about 12 years ago
The base language set is made of locale files redmine/config/locales, plugins (as easyredmine is) can just extend existing locales i would think.
RE: How to translate Easy Redmine?
Added by Meti Permeti almost 12 years ago
Can I ask you guys how do I download easyreadmine? I was browsing through their site last night and I could not find a link to downloading the plugin. (or I was probably too sleepy).
RE: How to translate Easy Redmine?
Added by Terence Mill almost 12 years ago
You have to pay go get the download. See website also.
RE: How to translate Easy Redmine?
Added by Meti Permeti almost 12 years ago
Hmmm, I was not aware of that and I actually got a reply from their support too ... for some reason I was thrown off by seeing the keyword "open source" in their FAQs and thought that private hosting without support was probably free.
I am very new (a week or so) to redmine, and I was wondering if there was a way to filter the available plugins via their cost (free or amount).
p.s. I apologize for talking/asking about something completely irrelevant to the question asked.
RE: How to translate Easy Redmine?
Added by Terence Mill almost 12 years ago
Well its correct that easredmine is opensource.It has to be because of the license of redmine itself.
But Opensource must no mean its "Free" (no costs), that most users don't know.
So its actually for GPLv2
As far as i know they are allowed to claim a fee for delivery and make available the opensource to you, and there is no upper cost limit. I fou paid once and get the code, you can publish it somwehere without claiming costs. However they can claim the money for every new release bthey make, dependent on their "license conditions".
This question is good, and good to know for everyone.