


Time & Expense 1.5

Added by Dhanasingh Krishnapandian about 12 years ago

We are happy to announce the release of Time & Expense plugin version 1.5
Please download it from

Following are the features of 1.5:
- Detail and report capabilities for expense is introduced
- Configuration for non submission email notification
- Configuration for expense projects
- Configuration for minimum hour per day

Installation instructions for 1.5:
Starting from version 1.5, it requires the gem rufus-scheduler.
so run the following command to install the gem
bundle install

For rufus-scheduler to work , the rails application should be up all the time.
If an apache passenger module is used then make sure the following settings are made
a) PassengerMinInstances 1
b) RailsAppSpawnerIdleTime 0
c) PassengerPreStart http://rails-app-url/

Replies (48)

RE: Time & Expense 1.5 - Added by Dhanasingh Krishnapandian over 11 years ago

I got an email regarding this from Alexis MAILLOT as well.
I have checked with Time & Expense plugin version 1.5 and Redminw 2.2.3, it works fine.

The test cases I tried are:
1) Emptied a cell in the Time sheet and went and verified that it actually got deleted from the spent time detail screen.
2) Deleted a whole row from the time sheet and verified it in the Spent Time detail screen.

So please check if you have the 'Edit time logs' or 'Edit Own time logs' permissions set.
If you don't have the permissions, it won't delete the entries.



RE: Time & Expense 1.5 - Added by delfo esposito over 11 years ago


the plugin looks great!
just not very clear for me the submission workflow roles...
i see that the members which can 'accept' submitted time are the ones with 'manage members' capabilities roles.

few request/suggestions:

  • specific role for time reviewer

In my situation by the way i have a 'local manager' role in charge of a group or people (project leaders and developers) as well as the project leader in charge of the specific project.
With today settings i need to give such permission to both local manager and project leader resulting with both having chances to approve time.
It would be nicer to have a dedicated checkbox in the admin roles panel

  • member selection

It would be nice no only to select whether all members or one by one but also by groups
In my case we have 400 accounts and this makes things much easier for the one in charge of time review





RE: Time & Expense 1.5 - Added by Dhanasingh Krishnapandian over 11 years ago

Thanks for your feedback.

Separate Permission for Approval has come up before, we will take this as a request.

One suggestion here, there is also a permission 'Manage project activities' under Time Tracking.
you think we can use that instead of creating a new permission called 'Approve Time Logs' ?

On the second request, are you saying you want the groups as a separate dropdown next to the Member dropdown in the list page ?


RE: Time & Expense 1.5 - Added by delfo esposito over 11 years ago


i think the reusage of permission can lead to conflicts.
I strongly suggest to add a specific role like 'time approver' into the roles, and may linked to the projects nesting.

This means if i'm assigned to a role with 'time approver' settings to a project X i will have the same role for all the time spent in all the projects children on project X.

On the second one i'm just saying that it would be nice to pick up (filter) the timesheets whether by individual user OR by group

Any idea if you are going to put those features in your roadmap? forecasted dates?



RE: Time & Expense 1.5 - Added by Dhanasingh Krishnapandian over 11 years ago

I will add these feature requests to our list.
no, I don't have a date for these features yet.


RE: Time & Expense 1.5 - Added by Saurabh Mahadik over 11 years ago

Hi Dhanasingh,

I found the wk-time plugin very useful. Was struggling with the spent time recording with other plugin that i had initially.

I had few requests which you can let me know if they are part of your roadmap:
1. The Issues listed in the Timesheet row covers Issues which are not assigned to the person filling the timesheet. I wish there could be a flag to select only "Issues assigned to me", "All Issues". I think both would be needed for different use cases.
2. I loved the integration of custom field that you provided with spent time. I am tempted to use the custom fields in a row for recording "Estimated % completion" and "Estimated hours" in the week. Since planning is an activity which would happen much before the execution. Saving the timesheet row without any data entry into the hours that will get clocked would be very useful for planning the week.

Looking forward for your reply


RE: Time & Expense 1.5 - Added by Terence Mill over 11 years ago

Great Plugin!

Request 1: save workinh hours and allow this to use as weekly template
Please make the work time data saved with the weekly timesheet, so i can reuse is when say "check use ealier sheet as template"
Normally there is one work time per user.

Request 2: save public and private holidays and remove this as work days
Whats missing also is to be able to set holidays per user (needs a calender per user) and public holidays and feasts which shall be chooseable by user as templates for their holidays calendar. This holidays then automactically are no work days and shouldn't be able to be reported on.

Question1: enforece approval system in redmine
If i wanna enforce the approval system what to do to to make the core redmine time loggin unusable, because thats ignoring the workflow. Please write a short usage howto for this case.

Question 2: How do i report on time logs you saved direct to project (empty issues) in redmine. Redmine can't hacnle time log beyond issue noramlly, so this won't be viewable in redmine core use cases. Thats true? Where else to report then?

Question 3. Is it popssible to report all thhis data (time,expense) with excel via rest api`?. Would be great you can make a small video too.

RE: Time & Expense 1.5 - Added by Dhanasingh Krishnapandian over 11 years ago

Thanks for you feedback,
we will take request #1 into our feature list.

on request #2, isn't the estimated time already available on Issues and % completion should also be there (as a custom field). I don't think they belong to Spent time, let me know what you think


RE: Time & Expense 1.5 - Added by Dhanasingh Krishnapandian over 11 years ago

Thanks for your feedback/questions.
Request 1) Not sure if too many people are using the work time header.
So we would like to get more votes for this request.
Request 2) The Public holidays might be easier to implement, we will take this into our feature list.
Storing Non Working days per user might be some work involved, so we would like to more votes for this request also.

Q1 ) I think Once the timesheet is approved, the times in that timesheet cannot be edited even from Redmine log time page. We will add some details on this to the user guide

Q2) no this is actually a valid use case from core redmine, this was actually pointed out by a community user, only then we enabled the time logging to blank issue in the plugin. You can log time to a blank issue from the log time page. Go to the log time page and empty the issue text box.

Q3)No, the plugin doesn't support any REST API now, even if we start supporting REST API, it will accept only xml or json formats I think.

RE: Time & Expense 1.5 - Added by Saurabh Mahadik over 11 years ago

Thanks Dhanasingh,

Dhanasingh Krishnapandian wrote:

on request #2, isn't the estimated time already available on Issues and % completion should also be there (as a custom field). I don't think they belong to Spent time, let me know what you think

Although estimated time and completion is available in the Issue. I wanted to keep weekly targets, so that I can figure out the weekly slippages, and adjust the next week accordingly. All this can be done offline, but would be comfortable if it is part of redmine itself.

I do not expect the custom field "Estimated time" to dircetly impact the issues "Estimated time", since both are for different reasons. Custom field is for weekly target whereas the Issue field is to note the complete time for the Issue.

My request was to have the custom fields data saved even though the timesheet row did not have a time entry. This would be as a table to check the progress according to the plan. All in one screen.

I appreciate the efforts that you are taking for the plugin. If you do not mind, would you be able to describe your development plans for future versions of the plugin.


RE: Time & Expense 1.5 - Added by Terence Mill over 11 years ago

Excel 2010 updwards can import xml datasource frm webservice. If redmine provides the time and expense data via the standard core Rest_TimeEntries its hall work already to set up derived charts and tables from the web source and just update the datasource by one click.
The questions is if the time&expense data i completly avaible via the core redmine rest service.

RE: Time & Expense 1.5 - Added by Dhanasingh Krishnapandian over 11 years ago

we will take a look at this problem

Terence Mill wrote:

Please fix this issue

RE: Time & Expense 1.5 - Added by Dhanasingh Krishnapandian over 11 years ago

I think if we allow you to enter 0 in one of the cells and enter your custom values, you should be fine.
would this work ?

Right now the plugin doesn't allow 0

Right now we are not working on any new releases, the next release 1.6 should be out in the next couple months.


RE: Time & Expense 1.5 - Added by Dhanasingh Krishnapandian over 11 years ago

no currently REST Api is not supported by the plugin
we will add this to our feature list.



RE: Time & Expense 1.5 - Added by Dhanasingh Krishnapandian over 11 years ago

These are the features planned for Time & Expense 1.6, it should be delivered in a month.

Support REST Api
Separate Permission for Approving Time Logs
Filter timesheets by groups
Filter Issues assigned to me
Public Holidays
Support for MS SQL Server

Cannot use Settings in init.rb
Show the message “no users in current project selected” in new time/expense sheet
Expense report link does not shows up by default
Minor Issues in Plugin Settings Page


RE: Time & Expense 1.5 - Added by Rachid B over 11 years ago

After installing wktime the plugin wiki_external_filter ( ) won't work anymore!
settingspage doesn't load:

Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 57ms

NoMethodError (undefined method `plugin_wiki_external_filter' for #<Class:0xb50e6054>):
  app/controllers/settings_controller.rb:68:in `send'
  app/controllers/settings_controller.rb:68:in `plugin

and the macros won't work:

Error executing the plantuml macro (undefined method `plugin_wiki_external_filter' for #<Class:0xb50e6054>)

After deleting plugins/redmine_wktime the plugin is working again.
Please fix it.
Thank you

RE: Time & Expense 1.5 - Added by Rachid B over 11 years ago

Rachid B wrote:

After installing wktime the plugin wiki_external_filter ( ) won't work anymore!
settingspage doesn't load:

and the macros won't work:


After deleting plugins/redmine_wktime the plugin is working again.
Please fix it.
Thank you

This patch will fix in redmine_wktime/init.rb

RE: Time & Expense 1.5 - Added by Dhanasingh Krishnapandian over 11 years ago

Thanks for your feedback.
Yes, this has been brought up before, version 1.6 will have this fix.


RE: Time & Expense 1.5 - Added by delfo esposito over 11 years ago

hi guys

any forecast for 1.6 delivery date?



RE: Time & Expense 1.5 - Added by Dhanasingh Krishnapandian over 11 years ago

1.6 should be released in the next day or two


