


looking for a plugin

Added by Anton Vinogradov over 11 years ago


I need a report that will show information how many issues are assigned to each user for all projects in the redmine.
Like this but for all projects, not for one.
Can someone recommend me any plugin or something like this?
redmine 2.3.1

Post moved to forum "Plugins" by moderator

Replies (2)

RE: looking for a plugin - Added by Andriy Lesyuk over 11 years ago

You can do something like what you want by going to "View all issues" under "Projects". There you can select "Assignee" for the "Group results by" option (inside the "Options" field set).

The resulting issue list can be exported to PDF (I failed to get grouping in CSV).

I understand, that this is, perhaps, not what you want but...

RE: looking for a plugin - Added by Anton Vinogradov over 11 years ago

Of cource it is not exactly what I was looking for, but it can be a workaround. Thanks for an advice! It's strange that nobody asked for such functionality before.
