


changing model

Added by Zdravko Balorda over 10 years ago

I'm writing my own plugin for redmine and I've just started with the tutorial.

ruby script/rails generate redmine_plugin_model <plugin_name> <model_name> ...

created a table, how to add a field to a table? I am also new to ruby, to make things worse.

Regards, Zdravko
ps. I can add a field by:

rails generate migration add_birth_to_pacients birth:date

but the migration ends in core db/migrate directory, not in plugin's db/migrate

Replies (1)

RE: changing model - Added by Martin Denizet ( team member) over 10 years ago

To generate a model with the plugin model generator, you have to add the fields after the model name. Example:

ruby script/rails redmine_plugin_model redmine_clients Client name:string code:string:index born_on:date friendly:boolean family_size:integer

You can actually modify yourself the migration files created by the generator. You can even create migration files manually. See:
Be aware that you may have to modify the generated tests if you to that.
