


DMSF: Cannot install on Redmine 2.5.1 on WinServer 2003

Added by Henrik Soderstrom over 10 years ago

Hello, Please bear with me. The following is probably full of silly beginner's mistakes:
I'd appreciate a bit of advice.

I just installed the "Bitnami Redmine Stack" bundle on a Windows Server 2003 SP2,
and I am hoping to use it mainly for document management. The Redmine version
is "2.5.1.stable". Redmine itself appears to be working just fine.
Edit: and it is Rails 3.2.17, in case that matters.

I am trying to install the DMSF plugin in this environment. A number of questions / difficulties:

1. The DMSF plugin docs state: Current version: 1.4.7, Compatible with: Redmine 2.4.x
I'm not sure if this should be taken as "2.4.x and above".
Is there any chance of it working on 2.5.1 ?
Are any of the difficulties I describe below due to the version being too new?
Or due to Bitnami bundling things up in a non-standard directory structure?

2. The installation instructions at say:
"Put redmine_dmsf plugin directory into plugins".
But no such directory (named "redmine_dmsf") can be found on the github site.
There are directories called app, assets, config, db etc.
OK, so there is a button on the right to download a zip file.
The zip file does not contain such a directory either, but it does contain one
named "redmine_dmsf-master" - close enough, or not ? Who knows?

3. I downloaded and unpacked the zip file, and placed the "redmine_dmsf-master"
directory under: D:\Bitnami\redmine\apps\redmine\htdocs\plugins (this seems to
be the correct place, as it's the only place in the structure that has a "plugin" dir)
I also renamed it from "redmine_dmsf-master" to "redmine_dmsf"

4. The installation instructions call for me to "ensure that the Redmine instance is stopped."
I take it this means to stop all the servers, so I do "Stop all" in the Admin tool. This stops
all five servers: MYSQL, Apache, Subversion, Thin_redmine and Thin_redmine2.
I restart the MYSQL server, as I think it might be necessary for the following rake command
to work (?) (to manipulate the database it needs mysqld alive, surely ?)

5. I now cd into the main redmine directory D:\Bitnami\redmine and as per instructions
run the command: rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV="production"
which fails with the message "No Rakefile found"

6. I try cd:ing into all the different depths of the directory branch
D:\Bitnami\redmine\apps\redmine\htdocs\plugins and rerunning the
rake command in each of these, with the same result "No Rakefile found"
I also tried changing the path "redmine:plugins:migrate" in the command
in different ways to mimic the existing directory structure on the system,
such as "apps:redmine:htdocs:db:migrate" but still "No Rakefile found"
Is there supposed to be a Rakefile in the plugin somewhere ?
And how can I tell the rake command where to find it?

7. There IS actually a "Rakefile" under D:\Bitnami\redmine\apps\redmine\htdocs\
and when I ran the command there it complained "could not find mini_portile-0.5.3"
and asked me to run 'bundle install', which I did, but the result of the rake command
stayed the same.

So, what can I do next? Any help will be much appreciated.

Replies (3)

RE: DMSF: Cannot install on Redmine 2.5.1 on WinServer 2003 - Added by Martin Denizet ( team member) over 10 years ago

Hello Henrik,

Didn't read it all but to me, installing on Windows (moreover an old maybe soon retired 2003) is asking for trouble. Moreover I'm not sure you will be able to get Xapian to run with DMSF on Windows. Some people wont agree but the fact is that most Redmine are installed on Linux so it's actually harder to get help if you run into a Windows related issue. That said, my advise would be to use a VM if your 2003 is not a DC or even have a mini-box dedicated running XenServer for example (my home Redmine is a VM among few others running on a 23Watts AMD APU box that costed less than a 100 USD running XenServer. And of course multiple daily backups to a NAS of the VM filesystem and also of the VM itself so I'm really not afraid of an hardware failure. VMs are great to manage and easy to scale).

Moving on:

4. Yes you need you DB to be up. It's never required to restart it.

5. for the Rake task, my advice is:

cd D:\Bitnami\redmine\apps\redmine\htdocs\
bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV="production" 

6. It should be in Redmine's root (D:\Bitnami\redmine\apps\redmine\htdocs\ ?)

RE: DMSF: Cannot install on Redmine 2.5.1 on WinServer 2003 - Added by Henrik Soderstrom over 10 years ago

Hello and thanks for the reply,
Unfortunately I don't have a choice about the host system. I might consider setting up a VM but it has its own drawbacks such as the extra work of setting up the whole system, some performance penalty and hard to get it set up so it recovers and automatically goes live again after a host restart.

And since Bitnami have already prepared a bundle, complete with servers, data structures and whatnots to get the whole thing up and running with a simple one-click installation it seemed like a pretty attractive alternative.

I can't be sure, but it seems like the issues I had this far were not windows issues since the "rake" bombed out before it even started.
I'll try your suggestion for the rake step and see how far I get.

6. It should be in Redmine's root (D:\Bitnami\redmine\apps\redmine\htdocs\ ?)

Well, there IS actually a Rakefile in that directory, but that's the one that came bundled with the Redmine installation from Bitnami, and nothing to do with the DMST plugin. I was asking about whether a specific Rakefile came with the plugin, and if it did, then that one would be somewhere under the "plugin" hierarchy. If that makes sense - yep, I know it's obvious that I'm very new at this :)

Any other pointers much appreciated.

RE: DMSF: Cannot install on Redmine 2.5.1 on WinServer 2003 - Added by diguang xiao almost 10 years ago


First of all, please check the init.rb file is in the plugins/redmine_dmsf/ folder.

Then, please follow this guide to install the plugins since you used Bitnami to install yor Redmine:

After copying the plugin into installdir/apps/redmine/htdocs/plugins. do:
$ cd installdir
$ ./use_redmine
$ cd apps/redmine/htdocs
$ bundle install --without development test postgresql sqlite --no-deployment
$ bundle install --without development test postgresql sqlite --deployment
$ ruby bin/rake redmine:plugins RAILS_ENV=production
Restart Redmine application.

The command can be run under Windwos as well.

Hope this helps.
