


Screenshots of plugins

Added by Andreas Holle about 10 years ago

Maybe I'm the only one who is puzzled by this, but in a lot of cases I have difficulties to review the intended function and appearance of a plugin simply because there seem to be no screenshots available. I do believe the plugins can be a big advantage for Redmine. But without being able to judge the usage and function I have difficulties to convince the IT staff to go through the installation process just to find out it's not what we expected.

My big whish to all the plugin programmers: Make it easier for the 'normal' user to evaluate the purpose of a plugin and add some screenshots!

Thank you

Replies (6)

RE: Screenshots of plugins - Added by Robert Schneider about 10 years ago


Screenshots are very helpful for a quick impression.

RE: Screenshots of plugins - Added by Michael Sanders about 10 years ago

+1 should be required.

RE: Screenshots of plugins - Added by Page Images about 10 years ago

If you just need a website screenshot, you can try this:

RE: Screenshots of plugins - Added by Andreas Holle about 10 years ago

@Pages Images: That's a nice plugin even though the creation of a screenshot wasn't the main point of my comment. Your description pages is a positive example how screenshots can help to evaluate the purpose of a plugin.

RE: Screenshots of plugins - Added by Page Images about 10 years ago

Andreas Cardeneo: Never mind. The plug-in is the designed for the website. Maybe it is easier to write a HTML5 screenshot plug-in for desktop purpose in the future.

RE: Screenshots of plugins - Added by Jeremy Bailey about 10 years ago

+1...I've long hoped for this. I often install a plug-in just to get a better sense of what it does, since so many plug-ins have such crappy documentation (and no screenshots). I am definitely grateful for the developers though, don't get me wrong!
