


Is there any count plugins in redmine?

Added by Teva huang over 10 years ago

Hi all.

is there any suggestions about count plugins?

Replies (7)

RE: Is there any count plugins in redmine? - Added by Martin Denizet ( team member) about 10 years ago

Hi Teva,
What do you mean by "count plugins"?

RE: Is there any count plugins in redmine? - Added by Pavel Potcheptsov about 10 years ago

$ ls -1 ./plugins | wc -l


RE: Is there any count plugins in redmine? - Added by Teva huang about 10 years ago

Martin Denizet wrote:

Hi Teva,
What do you mean by "count plugins"?

Hi Denizet, Thanks for replying this question.
I want to find some plugins which can caculate some custom field in the issue.
In our company, we use days instand of hours to manage the project. ButI can't find any plugins for it.

RE: Is there any count plugins in redmine? - Added by Teva huang about 10 years ago

Pavel Potcheptsov wrote:


Sorry, but I can't get you.

RE: Is there any count plugins in redmine? - Added by Martin Denizet ( team member) about 10 years ago

Teva huang wrote:

Martin Denizet wrote:

Hi Teva,
What do you mean by "count plugins"?

Hi Denizet, Thanks for replying this question.
I want to find some plugins which can caculate some custom field in the issue.
In our company, we use days instand of hours to manage the project. ButI can't find any plugins for it.

Hi Teva,
Got you. I also don't know of such plugin so for me you have 2 options:
  1. Write your own plugin
  2. Use the Custom JavaScript plugin and modify your pages on loading with JavaScript. If you're handy in JS, it should be a piece of cake for you.


RE: Is there any count plugins in redmine? - Added by Teva huang about 10 years ago

Martin Denizet wrote:

Teva huang wrote:

Martin Denizet wrote:

Hi Teva,
What do you mean by "count plugins"?

Hi Denizet, Thanks for replying this question.
I want to find some plugins which can caculate some custom field in the issue.
In our company, we use days instand of hours to manage the project. ButI can't find any plugins for it.

Hi Teva,
Got you. I also don't know of such plugin so for me you have 2 options:
  1. Write your own plugin
  2. Use the Custom JavaScript plugin and modify your pages on loading with JavaScript. If you're handy in JS, it should be a piece of cake for you.


Hey Denizet,
I had installed this plugin. But I don't know how to use it.
Could you offer any detailed document or demo to show it?


RE: Is there any count plugins in redmine? - Added by Martin Denizet ( team member) about 10 years ago

Sorry, someone I missed your reply.
This plugin allows you to simply add JavaScript to Redmine. So you need to write JS code to make the calculations you need.
Here is an example how you can modify the display of an issue using JS:

$(function() {
$('.details td.status').html('See, I modified the status using JavaScript.');

Note that I didn't test this code.
If you need documentation, you can check out the JQuery documentation.
If you have no idea what's I'm talking about, maybe you should seek the help of someone handy in either Ruby to make a new plugin or in JavaScript.
The Ruby solution is better but the JS solution is simpler and arguably faster.
