CkEditor plugin and Redmine 3.4.5
Added by Luis Serrano Aranda almost 7 years ago
Hi community!!
Someone has been able to install the CKEditor plugin with the last redmine version ?
Thanks in advance
Replies (4)
RE: CkEditor plugin and Redmine 3.4.5
Added by Adriano Baptistella almost 7 years ago
yes, working for me.
RE: CkEditor plugin and Redmine 3.4.5
Added by N icoledit over 6 years ago
Doesn't work for me...
CentOS 7
Redmine 3.4.6
I got the following error :
Web application could not be started by the Phusion Passenger application server.
Please read the Passenger log file (search for the Error ID) to find the details of the error.
You can find the issue here :
RE: CkEditor plugin and Redmine 3.4.5
Added by Lorenzo Meneghetti over 6 years ago
Luis Serrano Aranda wrote:
Hi community!!
Someone has been able to install the CKEditor plugin with the last redmine version ?
Thanks in advance
Yes, working for me.