


[Redmine checklists plugin] - Missing helper file

Added by Mathieu f over 6 years ago


I'm trying to install the plugin "Redmine Contracts with Time Tracking" but I have some struggles.

Here are my informations:
- Ruby 2.5.1p57
- Rails 5.1.6
- Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial
- Database used: MySQL 14.14
- Webrick

So once the plugin folder is nested in /plugins I run $ rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production, and then this error message appears:
rake aborted!
AbstractController::Helpers::MissingHelperError: Missing helper file helpers/checklists_helper.rb
/home/mathieu/code/redmine-test/plugins/checklists/lib/redmine_checklists/patches/add_helpers_for_checklists_patch.rb:25:in `apply'
/home/mathieu/code/redmine-test/plugins/checklists/lib/redmine_checklists/patches/add_helpers_for_checklists_patch.rb:32:in `block in <top (required)>'
/home/mathieu/code/redmine-test/plugins/checklists/lib/redmine_checklists/patches/add_helpers_for_checklists_patch.rb:31:in `each'
/home/mathieu/code/redmine-test/plugins/checklists/lib/redmine_checklists/patches/add_helpers_for_checklists_patch.rb:31:in `<top (required)>'
/home/mathieu/code/redmine-test/plugins/checklists/lib/redmine_checklists/redmine_checklists.rb:31:in `block in <top (required)>'
/home/mathieu/code/redmine-test/config/environment.rb:14:in `<top (required)>'

Caused by:
LoadError: No such file to load -- checklists_helper.rb
/home/mathieu/code/redmine-test/plugins/checklists/lib/redmine_checklists/patches/add_helpers_for_checklists_patch.rb:25:in `apply'
/home/mathieu/code/redmine-test/plugins/checklists/lib/redmine_checklists/patches/add_helpers_for_checklists_patch.rb:32:in `block in <top (required)>'
/home/mathieu/code/redmine-test/plugins/checklists/lib/redmine_checklists/patches/add_helpers_for_checklists_patch.rb:31:in `each'
/home/mathieu/code/redmine-test/plugins/checklists/lib/redmine_checklists/patches/add_helpers_for_checklists_patch.rb:31:in `<top (required)>'
/home/mathieu/code/redmine-test/plugins/checklists/lib/redmine_checklists/redmine_checklists.rb:31:in `block in <top (required)>'
/home/mathieu/code/redmine-test/config/environment.rb:14:in `<top (required)>'
Tasks: TOP => redmine:plugins:migrate => environment
(See full trace by running task with --trace)

Unfortunatly I haven't found useful info for this problem.
Does anyone have experienced this problem?

Thanks for your help.

Replies (5)

RE: [Redmine checklists plugin] - Missing helper file - Added by Frederico Camara over 6 years ago

Log says you have a missing file (or Redmine don't have permissions to read the file) in your installation:


I have looked in the "Redmine Contracts with Time Tracking" plugin, and I haven't found this file in this plugin. Incidentally, redmine_checklist seems to be another plugin, haven't you installed it in the wrong directory?

RE: [Redmine checklists plugin] - Missing helper file - Added by Mathieu f over 6 years ago

Thanks for your help. I uninstalled the plugin and reinstalled it. It worked perfectly.


RE: [Redmine checklists plugin] - Missing helper file - Added by ashraf alzyoud over 6 years ago

how u can unistall the plugin

RE: [Redmine checklists plugin] - Missing helper file - Added by Mathieu f over 6 years ago

Hi Ashraf,

I think I just followed the Redmine wiki for plugins:

Uninstalling a plugin
1. If the plugin required a migration, run the following command to downgrade your database (make a db backup before):

1.1. For Redmine 1.x:

bundle exec rake db:migrate:plugin NAME=plugin_name VERSION=0 RAILS_ENV=production
1.2. For Redmine 2.x:

bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate NAME=plugin_name VERSION=0 RAILS_ENV=production
2. Remove your plugin from the plugins folder: #{RAILS_ROOT}/plugins (Redmine 2.x) or #{RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/plugins (Redmine 1.x)..

3. Restart Redmine

RE: [Redmine checklists plugin] - Missing helper file - Added by Viktor Kuznetsov over 5 years ago

Solved, that was my mistake, I've placed the plugin folder into /usr/share/redmine/lib/plugins instead of /usr/share/plugins (witch was missing by default).
