Plugins and redmine upgrade
Added by Antoine Pichon over 6 years ago
Hi all,
I just installed the last redmine version (3.4.6) on a brand new server on Debian Stretch. I am considering installing plugins but I am also worried about future redmine upgrades and the fact that some plugins may oblige me to stick to V3.4.6.
1/ First case : I install a plugin that does not change anything in the DB schema but for example, changes the look and feel of the interface. Then, I guess that if this plugin is not anymore supported in future redmine versions (V4 for example), I will only loose the plugin functionnality but this should not prevent me from installing the upgrade. Is this correct ?
2/ Second case : I install a plugin that (I suppose) changes the DB schema like for example Checklists. Then, I guess that if this plugin is not anymore supported in future redmine versions (V4 for example), I may be unable to do the redmine upgrade to V4 because DB schema modified by the plugin might be incompatible with official redmine V4 schema. Is this correct too ?
So, how can I know if a plugin is safe to use regarding redmine upgrade ?
Thanks a lot in advance for your replies and experience sharing
Replies (1)
RE: Plugins and redmine upgrade
Added by Frederico Camara over 6 years ago
I can't recall a case in 3 years that a plugin would keep me in a Redmine version (a major version, like 3.4.X).
In both cases, it depends on the plugin. Redmine is running on Rails, and the framework tries his best to keep things running (including the DB). Rails has commands to upgrade the BD, install/uninstall plugins and keep things tidy. The hardest changes come when you have to upgrade Gems, Rails or Ruby, sometimes things break (logs are very helpful telling you where), and it isn't hard to find patches for the plugins on the internet. Usually they just work.
Keep in a particular Redmine version is not so bad also. In production here we are still using version 3.2, there's very few must have features between versions. In development I have ported from 3.2 with plugins to 3.4 with plugins with little dificulty, it usually takes half an hour. Porting custom patches are harder, it adds about two hours of tinkering with code differences to apply them.